Relieving breastfeeding disorders with homeopathy

Breastfeeding can be disrupted by breast pain, insufficient milk secretion or milk flow after weaning. These disorders can be relieved with homeopathic remedies.

According to the opinion of doctors and national and international public health organizations, breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby from birth to the sixth month. This way of feeding is recommended all over the world because of its benefits for the baby. Indeed, breast milk is rich in protein, minerals and lipids. It protects against diabetes and food allergies and reduces gastrointestinal infections while promoting the psychomotor development of the child. In addition, breastfeeding offers many advantages to the mother because it allows her, for example, to lose a few pounds gently. In addition, breastfeeding plays a protective role against uterine and breast cancer. Finally, breastfeeding does not require a large budget. However, many women experience difficulties during the breastfeeding phase and after weaning. These are disorders due to certain abnormalities occurring in the functioning of the hormone and sucking system. It can also be a question of milk production and emission several months after weaning.

Symptoms of breastfeeding disorders

Several phenomena indicate breastfeeding disorders. First, breast pain is due to inflammation of the mammary gland, whose role is to secrete the milk that makes up the baby's food during the breastfeeding phase. When the mammary glands are irritated, the nanny feels pain as soon as the baby sucks on her breast. It should also be noted that breast pain is also due to small cracks, also called chapping, that appear on the surface of the nipples. In addition, the baby's breastfeeding period can be disturbed by insufficient milk secretion. This phenomenon may be accompanied by diarrhea or severe itching in all the external genitalia of the nanny. The patient may also feel very tired followed by heavy sweating during the night. Insufficient milk production can also be accompanied by digestive problems and bleeding gums. Finally, breastfeeding disorders can occur after weaning. Indeed, milk continues to flow in some mothers outside the usual breastfeeding period called galactorrhea. The persistent flow of milk is accompanied by swelling of the breasts.

Treatments according to symptoms

Homeopathic remedies to relieve breastfeeding disorders are on sale on the market. In case of breast pain, and the breasts are hot, swollen and painful, 3 granules of Bryonia 9CH per day will relieve the pain. Phytolacca, another homeopathic medicine, is recommended in cases of great pain. In addition, when thin, reddish lines appear on the surface of particularly hot breasts, Belladona 9CH should be taken at the rate of 3 granules in the morning, at noon and in the evening, for 3 consecutive days. On the other hand, to treat cracked breasts, the nipples must be dried with a compress soaked in Castor equi 6. A granule of Graphite 5CH 2 times a day is also an effective treatment against cracks. Regarding insufficient milk secretion, 3 homeopathic remedies are indicated according to the clinical signs. To promote milk secretion, Agnus Castus 5CH granules should be combined with Racinus Communis D3 drops. To stop itching in the vulva, you need to treat yourself with Urtica Urens 5Ch. Milky urine, bleeding gums, sweating during the night and in the morning and dry mouth, which accompany the flow of milk outside of weaning, will be treated with doses of Phosphoris Acid. As for galactorrhea, it will be stopped with Ricinus 15CH at a rate of one or two doses every 48 hours. One or two doses of Pulsatilla 15CH will stop milk secretion. In case of pain felt in the breasts during this period, it is advisable to take Lake Caninum 5CH to relieve them.

When to see a doctor?

It is important to remember that self-medication in the event of breastfeeding disorders is risky for the mother, but especially for the baby, especially since the active ingredients of the drugs used during this period are found in breast milk. Also, when the first breast pain occurs, it is imperative to consult your doctor. After detecting the disease exactly, the homeopath will prescribe the appropriate remedies. It should be noted that homeopathic treatments are increasingly recommended because they have no contraindications.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Homeopathic remedies are recommended in the treatment of breastfeeding disorders because they can be relieved with small doses of medicines based on natural components that do not contaminate breast milk in any way.

  1. Symptoms of breastfeeding di ...
  2. Treatments according to symp ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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