Relieving talalgia with homeopathy

Talalgia is a disease that is a source of discomfort in the movement of an individual. To remedy this, homeopathy is a reliable and very effective treatment thanks to the many remedies it offers.

Talalgia defines any pain that is felt in the heel. This pain is also called heel spur or heel spur and it follows excessive traction on the plantar fascia of the heel. This action usually leads to a strong inflammatory reaction. Heel pain most often occurs in people who are overweight, especially after over-use of the heel or after wearing shoes that are too firm or with a thin heel. However, talalgia can also have a traumatic origin. In this case, we speak of Albert's disease, anterior bursitis of the Achilles tendon or Sever's disease. The consequence of such a disease can go as far as temporary unavailability of the vector foot. However, there are medical treatments to treat this condition. Among these treatments, homeopathic remedies are a simple and effective way.

Symptoms of talalgia

In most cases of talalgia, the disease is announced by considerable pain in the heel. The most conducive time to these pains is when they wake up in the morning since they can appear the second the patient wakes up. The first step out of bed allows you to know the exact nature of the disease because if the patient feels pain in the supporting foot, it could be spondyloarthritis. A slight reduction in pain may occur at some point during the day or an alternation of pain between the two heels. As for Achilles bursitis, it manifests itself by feelings of discomfort when putting the foot down or when wearing shoes. Finally, in Sever's disease, the pain is accompanied by a red swelling on the upper part of the heel.

Homeopathic treatments for talalgia In

addition to the many precautions to be taken during the treatment of talalgia, taking Herla Lava helps to speed up recovery. It is an easily accessible product and the recommended dosage is 2 daily doses of Herla Lava 3CH or 4CH, until the pain disappears completely. This drug is especially effective in low dilution and is particularly prescribed for heel spurs. Medorrhinum is also a recommended remedy to relieve talalgia. It is well suited to pain accentuated by touch and moisture, as well as by energetic friction, tendency to stiffness and deformation of the joints. For dosing, two options are available, including a dose of Medorrhinum 9CH combined with a dose of Medorrhinum 30CH for three days in a row, or a dose of Medorrhinum 15CH or a dose of Medorrhinum 30CH every fortnight.

Consult a doctor

When the pain begins to spread to the back of the leg and it does not decrease, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, the doctor may suggest treatment with physical agents such as ultrasound, electroanalgesia, cryotherapy or physiotherapy. Surgery is only used as a last resort after a year of treatment without improvement.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


The pain caused by talalgia is quickly relieved by homeopathic medicines. If talalgia is treated at the first symptoms with homeopathy, deformity of the ankle joints can be avoided.

  1. Symptoms of talalgia
  2. Homeopathic treatments for t ...
  3. Consult a doctor

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