Torticollis manifests itself as pain in the neck. In babies, it can have several causes such as a difficult breech delivery or having required the use of forceps, or a congenital anomaly such as plagiocephaly. In adults, the causes of torticollis are also multiple: an uncomfortable posture in front of the PC, a bad posture during sleep and even a draft. There are also other lesser-known causes such as hyperthyroidism, an infection of the nervous system or a tumor in the neck.
The main symptoms of torticollis
Generally, torticollis manifests itself as a painful contracture accompanied by stiffness of the neck muscles. The pain is even more intense when the head is moving. There is a retraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle which causes the neck muscles to twist with the tilt of the head to one side.
In babies, torticollis can be recognized by its head, which is constantly tilted to one side. Indeed, plagiocephaly causes a shortening of certain muscles. In addition, the baby tends to use only one and the same arm that corresponds to the tilted head.
Basic treatments for torticollis
To reduce torticollis, follow a treatment that combines Rhus toxicodendron 9 CH with Actaea racemosa 9 CH and Lachnantes 5 CH. The dosage is 3 granules of each remedy, to be taken 3 times a day. Sometimes the pain is intense or becomes unbearable. It is then necessary to swallow 3 granules of Arnica 15 CH in the morning and evening to alleviate these symptoms. Alternating use of Bryonia 9 CH with Lachnantes 5 CH during the day is also effective in relieving joint pain in the neck. When torticollis is aggravated by the cold, taking Dulcamara 5 CH at a rate of 5 granules 4 times a day can alleviate the symptom.
Specific treatments
To treat spasmodic torticollis, take Natrum muraticum 9 CH three times a day. It is possible to relieve ordinary torticollis by taking Bryonia 4 or 5 CH every hour to make the pain accompanied by dizziness disappear when you wake up. The humid environment is a factor aggravating torticollis. In this case, it is advisable to take Dulcamara 4 to 7 CH every hour to avoid catching pharyngitis or tonsillitis.
Sometimes the spasms can spread to the muscles of the face and along the spine. These symptoms can be alleviated by taking Magnesia phosphorica 9 CH to 15 CH every hour. Painful muscle stiffness can also be relieved by applying essential oil composed of eucalyptus (8 ml), peppermint (1 ml) and wintergreen (1 ml) 6 times a day. The addition of noble laurel (3 ml) reinforces the effectiveness of this treatment.
When to see a doctor?
In children, it is necessary to go to a consultation immediately as soon as symptoms appear, especially if they have a cold. The adult should consult when the treatment does not have a positive effect after one week, or if the torticollis is recurring. Other signs such as fever, insomnia, diffuse pain in the arm and ringing in the ears should encourage you to go to the doctor.