Treating thyroid conditions with homeopathy

A malfunction in the thyroid can cause irreversible damage. In order to contain the evolution of the disease, homeopathic remedies must be combined with conventional allopathic treatments.

The thyroid is a gland located in front of the trachea and below the Adam's apple. It secretes various hormones that are involved in the general metabolism and growth. This gland can be affected by certain pathologies, thyroiditis. Dysthyroidism increases or decreases the production of thyroid hormones. This could have adverse consequences for overall health and particularly growth.

Types of Thyroiditis

Thyroiditis can be hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or thyroid nodules. Hypothyroidism is characterized by the reduction in hormone secretion by the thyroid. The overproduction of hormones by the thyroid gland generates hyperthyroidism. Thyroid nodules are a formation of small tumor balls on the thyroid. These diseases can affect individuals of various age groups. According to recent research, women are more vulnerable to dysthyroidism than men.

Symptoms of thyroid diseases

Thyroiditis is one of the insidious diseases that does not show any real symptoms at first. Note that thyroid nodules are not very bothersome for some subjects. In cases of hypothyroidism, it is possible to detect signs that may presage thyroid disease such as asthenia, chilliness, slowed heart rate, hair loss, weight gain with a low appetite and muscle growth disorders. The most characteristic symptoms of hyperthyroidism are the appearance of a goiter, rapid heart rate, insomnia, excessive sweating, exophthalmos, anxiety, nervousness and muscle exhaustion.

In women, thyroid disorders can cause a disruption of the menstrual cycle. Thyroiditis is usually the cause of some cases of female infertility. In the elderly, damage to the thyroid gland can lead to memory problems and difficulty concentrating. In infants and young individuals, thyroiditis can manifest as jaundice, hypersomnia, swelling of the tongue, frequent constipation and in exceptional cases, stunted growth.


order to obtain better results, all treatments for thyroiditis in homeopathy are carried out in addition to allopathic treatments. Thus, in the case of hypothyroidism, taking graphite with pulsatilla can slow down the metabolism, reduce digestive disorders and remedy the absence of menstruation and skin conditions. In case of nervous disorders, premature ageing and intellectual difficulties, it is possible to consume Baryta Carbonica and Alumina. Thuya, Kalium carbonicum and Silicea are indicated for people suffering from fatigue marked by the appearance of various oedemas on certain parts of the body.

Treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyroid nodules

Homeopathic remedies must be combined with allopathic treatments in order to better treat hyperthyroidism. The appearance of nodules is mainly favoured by iodine deficiency, the correct intake of which makes it possible to eliminate the development of the disease. In general, iodium-derived drugs may be indicated to treat cases of hyperthyroidism and nodules. Thus, sulphur iodatum is suitable for subjects who are thermophobic, insomniac, asthenic and have an abnormally high heart rate. Natrium iodatum, kalium iodatum, arsenicum iodatum and calcarea iodata may be indicated for patients with neurasthenia, cardiac erethism and acute weight loss.


gland disorders can only be detected by blood tests. A medical diagnosis is necessary to determine the appropriate treatments for the disease. However, a medical consultation is necessary as soon as the first symptoms of hypersecretion or hyposecretion of thyroid hormones are perceived. Pregnant women with increased hormone needs should seek medical attention.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy is advocated in the treatment of various thyroid conditions. To cure these diseases, however, it is essential to combine homeopathic remedies with allopathic treatments.

  1. Types of Thyroiditis
  2. Symptoms of thyroid diseases
  3. Treatment of hyperthyroidism ...
  4. Thyroid

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