Treating appetite disorders with homeopathy

Appetite disorders are common in children and adolescents. It is up to the doctor to prescribe the most suitable homeopathic treatment for each case.

Appetite disorders can have several causes: poor quality and unattractive food, non-adaptation of the child to the taste of a new food, poor presentation of the food, etc. In the event that you cannot improve the situation by solving these problems, you should consult a doctor because only he or she can look for the causes that may be of metabolic or organic origin.

Presentation of the pathology

Appetite disorder is a lack or excess of appetite. A child who has appetite disorders and who eats little has a weight curve with a break. It is necessary to go to a medical consultation when the child's weight curve is not harmonious but has a break. This break represents an abnormality of biological origin or a specific event in the child's life. It corresponds to a disorder and it is the doctor who is able to detect its cause.

Appetite disorders can come from disorders such as chronic infection in the ENT area, diabetes or digestive problems. They can also manifest themselves in excessive food consumption: the child eats excessively and is often hungry. This hunger becomes more intense when he is anxious. He then has binge eating by ingesting a large quantity of food.

Symptoms of appetite disorders

It is especially from the age of 1 that the child can present with appetite disorders. This is because it becomes more selective and the amount of food ingested decreases significantly. The disorder then manifests itself as a slowdown in weight gain. We also notice that the child gradually loses his curves because he spends more energy by becoming more active.

A child with an appetite disorder is weak, easily tired with sharp eyes. It is slow growing and its feet are constantly sweating. He may have the symptoms of a nutritional deficiency such as extreme thinness accompanied by a large belly and a large head. In some cases, the child is subject to chronic constipation with digestive difficulties.

Appetite disorders can cause undernutrition, which is the consequence of the imbalance in the diet and is manifested by a deficit of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. Undernutrition impacts vital functions and increases the risk of serious diseases.

Finally, binge eating can lead to significant overweight, even in children. In this case, the subject may be obese.


, to treat appetite disorders with homeopathy, high-dilution remedies ranging from 9 to 15 hours are administered weekly and the treatment is prescribed according to the symptoms. If the child has digestive problems with constipation and a decrease in appetite and if in addition, there is a tendency to anorexia and an attraction to chocolate, sugar and starchy foods, these disorders can be treated with Lycopodium.

If the child is stunted and tires very quickly, if he or she is growing very slowly and if his or her body is very thin, Silicea is the most suitable to treat these disorders and restore appetite. Sometimes the child does not lack appetite but prefers salty foods. The upper part of the body may also lose weight and the patient is often constipated with dehydrated stools. Natrum muriaticum is prescribed in both cases to restore metabolic balance.

If the appetite disorders manifest themselves as bulimia, or if the child has a lean body but is hyperactive, or if he is always anxious and this anxiety is aggravated by hunger and inactivity, taking Iodum helps to relieve these symptoms. Sometimes the child is very voracious and likes salty and smoked foods to the detriment of salads and green vegetables, but he can also be anorexic. Calcarea phosphorica is administered in this case.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


You can calm bulimia by taking a dose of Antimonium crudum 9 ch every Sunday. In addition, it is possible to relieve nervous hunger caused by anxiety with Ignatia 7 ch at a rate of 5 granules 3 times a day.

  1. Presentation of the patholog ...
  2. Symptoms of appetite disorde ...
  3. Generally

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