Relieving urinary incontinence with homeopathy

Incontinence is a condition of the urinary tract that manifests itself as a lack of control of urinary flow. The use of homeopathy can alleviate these disorders.

Incontinence is a urinary disorder that can affect people of all age groups, including children, adults and the elderly. There are 3 types of incontinence, including stress incontinence, urge incontinence and mixed incontinence. There are also other types of incontinence depending on their origin.


Stress urinary incontinence mainly affects women and occurs when the muscles in the pelvis are weakened. Sometimes, certain efforts such as excessive coughing, laughing or sneezing cause a small amount of urine to be lost. This loss is caused by the pressure due to exertion on the muscles of the perineum. Urge urinary incontinence affects both men and women as well as children. It is due to the hypersensitivity of the bladder muscles following movements such as walking or laughing.

The person with incontinence frequently feels the need to urinate urgently. Mixed urinary incontinence combines these 2 types of incontinence. There are also incontinences that specifically affect men, such as overflow urinary incontinence. This form of incontinence is caused by an overflow of urine in the bladder. Functional incontinence comes from physical or mental disorders that prevent you from going to the toilet. It is found in elderly individuals with Parkinson's disease or stroke.

The different treatments

In children, the dosage for each homeopathic treatment is 3 granules 3 times a day. If bedwetting occurs during the first sleep, Sepia 9 CH should be administered. The Belladona 9 CH relieves restless sleep accompanied by dreams of urinating. Benzoicum 9 CH is indicated for people who have urine that gives off a strong odor. In case of female incontinence with a preference to urinate standing up or a need to urinate without result, 5 granules of Causticum 5, 7 or 9 CH should be taken twice a day.

Sometimes the bladder is paralyzed by bladder atony or sphincter atony. Taking Causticum 15 or 30 CH can alleviate this symptom. If the incontinence is accompanied by burns that disappear during the evacuation of urine. You should take Staphysagria 15 CH every Sunday at the rate of one dose per dose for 1 month. Incontinence in men can be relieved with 100% diluted Aloe socrotina. If the urine is abundant and has a dark color, Medorrhinum 80% should be taken. The use of Apis 60% helps to reduce irritation.

Medical consultation for sunstroke

You should consult your doctor as soon as the first symptoms appear. Indeed, complications require consultation with a urologist. A burning sensation, blood in the urine and fever are all signs that should alert you to incontinence.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Sometimes, the child's incontinence is accompanied by loss of matter and in this specific case homeopathy can help a lot. Taking Hyoscyamus niger helps relieve this type of incontinence.

  1. Symptoms
  2. The different treatments
  3. Medical consultation for sun ...

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