Measles is persistent in developing countries and is one of the leading causes of child mortality. In fact, it kills nearly one million children each year around the world. This contagious disease caused by the paramyxoviridae morbillivirus is especially dreadful in Africa as well as in some poor countries in America and Asia. Malnutrition in children under three years of age, malaria and other associated conditions promote its onset and development. Measles is transmitted in several ways, namely through nasal secretions, through the air, through close contact and even through the use of contaminated objects. It can lead to diarrhea, blindness, and even neurological and respiratory complications. Sometimes, even if it is cured, this disease leaves significant sequelae including deafness and certain psychological disorders.
Symptoms of measles
The incubation period for measles is between 10 and 12 days. The disease begins with a prodromal invasion that causes a fever of about 40°C accompanied by a runny nose, diarrhea and inflammation of the conjunctiva. The latter is the cause of severe pain in the eye. The child with measles may also suffer from abdominal pain, dry cough and may become whiny. About 8 days after the prodromal invasion phase, red spots first appear on the head and then gradually cover the entire body. The disease is then said to be in its third phase.
Homeopathic treatments for measles
As soon as a dry cough, conjunctivitis and especially fever appear, Sulfur 30 CH should be used to prevent the disease from worsening. In case of runny nose and noisy cough, it is recommended to use Aconitum Napellus. On the other hand, it is advisable to administer Gelsemium sempervirens granules to the sick child when he suffers from a high fever accompanied by a cold, is not thirsty and has difficulty moving. In general, it is recommended to take 1 dose of Morbillinum 30 CH at the beginning of the disease followed by 1 dose ten days later, accompanied by 5 granules of Belladonna 9 CH and 5 granules of Euphrasia officinalis every two hours in order to slow down the progression of the disease. Finally, it is possible to complete the treatment of 1 dose of Pulsatilla 30 CH one week later.
When to see a doctor?
Measles is a fatal childhood disease and that is why, as soon as the first symptoms appear, it is advisable to go to the hospital urgently or, at least, to consult a doctor. Only the latter will be able to diagnose the disease and prescribe the most appropriate remedies. It is important to know that here, self-medication is strongly discouraged. The patient should follow the recommended treatment as soon as possible and should always remain under medical supervision.