Relieving teething pain with homeopathy

A source of irritation and various disorders in infants, teething is often a very dreaded stage because of the many inconveniences it causes. By opting for a homeopathic treatment, however, it is possible to relieve the pain felt when the first teeth appear.

Appearing as early as the fourth month in some cases, baby's first teeth are often the cause of many disorders, each more annoying than the last. Thus, irritability, repeated crying attacks, loss of appetite, disturbed sleep and more or less severe diarrhea are generally among the most characteristic symptoms of teething. Always very unpleasant for babies, this stage of their development rarely takes place without one of the disorders mentioned above being added.

Of course, there is now a whole series of conventional drugs designed to reduce pain and relieve babies during particularly distressing episodes. Nevertheless, for all those who prefer gentler and more natural methods, it is possible to opt for a homeopathic treatment that not only reduces the intensity of the pain, but also relieves the baby by acting directly on the symptoms associated with the appearance of the first teeth.


As a general rule, the first signs of teething appear in baby's gums because they are swollen and inflamed. In the vast majority of cases, this inflammation of the gums is also accompanied by abundant salivation. Because of the pain and discomfort associated with the appearance of his first teeth, the baby tends to become irritable and chew on the objects he is holding in his hands.

Most of the time, teething is accompanied by ENT disorders such as otitis or rhinitis, as well as digestive disorders such as diarrhoea. In addition, this diarrhea can often cause diaper rashes that are more than unpleasant for babies, especially when babies have particularly sensitive and reactive skin. Finally, more or less significant sleep disorders are also to be noted, knowing that the pain caused by teething disrupts baby's nights in most cases.


order to calm the pain associated with teething, it is recommended to give the baby 5 granules of Chamomilla vulgaris 9 CH three times a day, especially when symptoms such as irritability or anger accompany crying. This remedy will also prove to be very effective when the baby's crying is reduced by rocking.


indicated in the treatment of pain related to the appearance of the first teeth, Chamomilla vulgaris is a remedy that will also be used in cases of hypersensitivity to pain. As a result, babies with a low pain tolerance threshold should be given 5 granules of Chamomilla vulgaris 9 CH or 15 CH three times a day until the most bothersome symptoms finally disappear.

In the event of painful teething accompanied by profuse salivation, it is advisable to combine the intake of Chamomilla vulgaris with 5 granules of Mercurius solubilis 15 CH three times a day until the baby salivates less. It will also be possible to give the baby 5 granules of Phytolacca decandra 9 CH three times a day if, in addition to salivating profusely, he cannot help but nibble on the objects he is holding in his hands.

When to see a doctor?

If the symptoms do not seem to improve despite the homeopathic treatment put in place, then it is advisable to consult a pediatrician without delay. Similarly, this option should be favoured if the baby becomes more and more irritable and does not stop crying. Finally, it is strongly recommended to turn to a doctor in the event of significant inflammation of the ENT sphere (otitis in particular), too frequent diarrhea, fever or bleeding gums.

Chamomilla vulgaris is a particularly effective homeopathic remedy in the treatment of pain associated with the appearance of the first teeth in baby, so it is recommended to systematically use it during teething. Nevertheless, it can sometimes be useful to adapt the treatment and opt for different dilutions so that the remedy can maintain its full therapeutic effectiveness. It is then possible to turn to a health professional so that he or she can set up an appropriate treatment while determining the dilutions that will be best suited in this case.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Although there are several medications designed to reduce the intensity of pain, homeopathy remains a therapeutic method of choice in the treatment of teething. Thus, Chamomilla vulgaris is a remedy that is particularly suitable in this case because of its great therapeutic effectiveness and its wide field of action.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Particularly
  3. When to see a doctor?

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