Treating alopecia with homeopathy

Alopecia can be summarized as the spontaneous loss of hair ranging from a small regular amount to mass shedding. It can be treated with homeopathic formulas depending on each form of alopecia.

Alopecia is a disease characterized by the loss of hair or hair on any area of the body. However, alopecia manifests itself differently depending on the physiological parameters of each individual. Diffuse alopecia most often affects the elderly, male or female, while androgenic alopecia is caused by a high level of male hormones in the blood leading to a deficiency in hair growth. It affects women when they are in the menopausal phase when their bodies no longer produce as many female hormones. The most common alopecia area pecia area is alopecia areata, which can be hereditary or acquired. It can also appear at any time, even in children. Alopecia areata can also result from an autoimmune disease if it does not result from poor thyroid function, anemia, or lupus. Infections such as yeast infection can also cause scarring alopecia through fungi.

Symptoms of alopecia

The most common symptom of alopecia is the loss of volume in the hair, especially when it comes to androgenic alopecia. If there is alopecia areata, the hair loss is sudden and the hair is pulled out in small groups leaving circular spots on the scalp. A sign other than hair loss is the abnormal appearance of the nails.


addition to hair loss, some patients, especially men, also lose their libido and this can be cured by homeopathic remedies. In this case, the treatment will be composed of Selenium Metallicum. Alopecia areata is alopecia that is characterized by brittle and dry hair from root to tip. If they fall off when brushing, there is no doubt that the patient does indeed have alopecia areata. For this type of alopecia, it is advisable to treat yourself with Fluoricum acidum. Phosphorus will only be prescribed if the alopecia has spread quickly. As for Baryta carbonica, it is indicated for the treatment of alopecia areata that has led to premature baldness. It also happens that the hair falls out because of alopecia but the scalp has excess sebum at the root. If alopecia leads to this excessive secretion of seborrhea, the ideal homeopathic remedy is Bryonia Alba. Thuja occidentalis can also be used to treat alopecia associated with seborrhea, but will only be recommended if the patient loses eyebrow hair near the temple. Arsenicum Album is the homeopathic medicine recommended by the homeopath when it turns out that the alopecia comes from a relatively long and difficult to cure disease. If the disease is an infection, the preferred homeopathic treatment will be Silicea. In the event that the disease is caused by disorders in the digestive system, the patient will take Lycopodium Clavatum.

{Causes of alopecia


Hair loss affects women especially a few days after giving birth or after stopping breastfeeding. To put an end to this alopecia, homeopathy makes Sepia Officinalis available to mothers. Alopecia can be followed by a period of asthenia where the subject notices that all or part of his hair has turned white. Otherwise, the hair can fall out in a mass instead of turning white. Alopecia can sometimes occur after a traumatic period for the patient. It can be a bereavement, a separation or a loss of work. In such a situation, the patient will have to treat himself with Arnica Montana or Natrum Muriaticum since reactive alopecia tends to manifest itself only after months following the trauma. This homeopathic formula therefore acts in the form of prevention, but also as a treatment.

Thallium Sulfuricum is recommended in the treatment of most alopecia in 4 CH, 9 CH or 7 CH at a rate of 3 granules each day during treatment. The prescription of other homeopathic remedies will depend on the cause of the hair loss. One of the most commonly used drugs is Eberthinum 15 CH. The doctor may also recommend Paratyphoidinium B15 CH in one dose each week for a 2-month treatment. Phosphoricum acidum 15 CH in 5 granules per day will only be recommended when the patient has alopecia due to fatigue. Selenium metallicum 9 CH in 5 granules per day will be prescribed if the patient is prone to overwork.

When to see a doctor?

Before taking any homeopathic treatment, it is strongly advised to see a doctor. That said, any unusual hair loss in quantity during brushing and shampooing should be checked immediately by a doctor.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Aloe vera is very effective in treating cases of alopecia. However, one should be very careful when using this medication as it is quite repellent, abortifacient, and laxative.

  1. Symptoms of alopecia
  2. {Causes of alopecia
  3. When to see a doctor?