Treating infectious diseases with Baptisia tinctoria

Mainly indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases, Baptisia tinctoria is a highly valued remedy in homeopathy. It inhibits the proliferation and action of bacteria while remedying the associated symptoms.

Baptisia tinctoria is a homeopathic herbal remedy made from a plant native to North America. This is wild indigo, a stem plant belonging to the Compositae family, the decoction of which was already widely used by Amerindians for the treatment of wounds and bruises. *

Apart from its disinfectant properties, it has many medicinal properties, but its preferred field remains infectiology. Baptisia tinctoria is known for the prevention and treatment of many infectious diseases in children. For the manufacture of the homeopathic remedy, the root and the bottom of the stem are mainly used.

Indications in infectiology

The homeopathic remedy Baptisia tinctoria is recommended in case of intestinal flu and is also suitable in the majority of cases of intestinal infections. It is particularly indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases that are accompanied by a very specific set of symptoms: strong breath, frequent urination, diarrhea accompanied by a foul odor and profuse sweating.

In addition, the patient has a very high fever, accompanied by a deep physical depression. Its tongue is dry, cracked and yellowish in colour. This makes it the ideal remedy for the treatment of influenza and typhoid fever. Baptisia tinctoria can also be used in case of throat infection, as part of bacterial angina. This homeopathic medicine treats inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, while remedying pain that often leads to difficulty swallowing.

Recommended dosages

As soon as the first symptoms of the flu appear, it is advisable to take 3 granules of Baptisia tinctoria 5 CH, at a rate of 3 doses per day. In cases of acute attacks, especially in the case of stomach flu, it is advisable to take Baptisia tinctoria 5 CH, at a rate of 2 granules per dose every 15 minutes or every half hour. The doses will be spaced out as the patient's condition improves. Continue the same treatment three times a day until symptoms disappear completely.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Apart from its virtues in infectiology, and its action against infectious microorganisms in general, wild indigo could also be recommended in gynaecology. This plant is said to contain substances capable of producing estrogen, which may be an opening for the use of Baptisia tinctoria in postmenopausal women.

  1. Indications in infectiology
  2. Recommended dosages


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