Ptosis is the drooping of one or both upper eyelids. This problem is due to an impotence of the muscle responsible for raising the upper eyelid, or to a disinsertion of this muscle. Ptosis can have a congenital origin, i.e. noted at birth. It can also appear later on for various causes such as accidents or old age. In addition, ptosis can affect visual function if lowering the eyelid hides the pupil. Generally, the treatment of ptosis requires surgery to allow the patient to have better vision. In addition, this surgical procedure also has an aesthetic purpose. However, several homeopathic remedies can act on certain sources of ptosis in order to allow the levator muscle to regain its vigor or simply to relieve its symptoms.
Symptoms and classifications of ptosis
Ptosis is an easily identifiable pathology since the patient is subject to lowering of the upper eyelid. This drooping of the upper eyelid is not accompanied by irritation or traces, and it usually affects only one of the two eyelids. In addition to congenital ptosis, this disease has other origins classified into 4 categories. Myogenic ptosis results from a failure of neuromuscular transmission or progressive atrophy of the muscles. This type of ptosis can occur following a venomous bite and its treatment is urgent. As for neurogenic ptosis, it is the transmission of nerve control to the levator palpebrae that is defective. Aponeurotic ptosis appears as a result of the advanced age of the subject and finally, mechanical ptosis follows a tumor or edema on the upper part of the eyelid. The latter category also includes the after-effects caused by the trauma of an accident.
Homeopathic remedies to relieve ptosis
Gelsemium Sempervirens is one of the recommended homeopathic remedies to relieve ptosis. Made from yellow jasmine, it acts on the nervous system to relieve ptosis. 5 granules of Gelsemium Sempervirens 15 CH are recommended when the eyelid levator muscle is impotent. Syphilinum is also an excellent remedy for the harmful effects of ptosis. Obtained from the serum of a syphilitic chancre, this remedy acts in cases of neurogenic and myogenic ptosis. In addition, it is a chronic remedy that is taken for a period of 30 to 50 days. Conium maculatum is also among the range of homeopathic remedies to relieve ptosis. It is an extract of hemlock that effectively relieves paralysis of the upper eyelids. The recommended dosage for ptosis is 5 granules of Conium maculatum 9 CH morning and evening, for 3 weeks.
When to see a doctor?
Because there are several types of ptosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out the best attack treatment for your disease. In addition, homeopathy is intended to provide relief from the harmful effects of ptosis. Thus, for long-term treatment, surgery remains the best solution. When ptosis is congenital, the operation must be performed very early, around the age of 3, so that the child's eye can learn to see properly. For other categories of ptosis, such as following an accident or because of the advanced age of the subject, surgery is necessary when the lowering of the eyelid begins to obstruct the view.