Treating Periarthritis with Homeopathy

Periarthritis is a pathology affecting mainly the joints of adult subjects. As in most tendonitis, homeopathy remains the most effective therapy to treat periarthritis.

Periarthritis refers to inflammation of the tissues surrounding a joint. Thus, it is not a rheumatic condition but a painful attack on the muscles, tendons and bursa. Almost all tendonitis is periarthritis and we are often used to using one or the other name to define pain around a joint. In the majority of cases, it is the shoulder joints that are most often affected by periarthritis. This is called scapulohumeral periarthritis or shoulder tendonitis affecting the tendon and muscle tissues of the humerus, as well as the muscles of the thorax and neck. There are many causes of periarthritis of the shoulder and it can appear following trauma, surgery or tissue senescence.


Periarthritis is painful when the affected joint is stressed. At first, the pain is less noticeable and does not prevent the patient from performing movements. As it progresses, periarthritis attacks the tissues around the joint one by one and severe pain occurs, especially when the joint is subjected to a certain level of stress. Later, even at rest, the joint becomes painful and if left untreated, periarthritis pain could progress to chronic inflammation. In more serious cases, periarthritis could be disabling, that is, the pain becomes unbearable, not allowing the slightest movement of the affected joint.

Treatment of shoulder periarthritis

Depending on the symptoms and the location of the pain, a number of remedies can be combined to treat scapulohumeral periarthritis. If the pain affects the right shoulder, 5 granules of Sanguinaria 6 CH are to be taken three or four times a day. This remedy is also prescribed with the same dosage in the event of a nocturnal periarthritis flare-up. If the pain occurs on the left shoulder, 5 granules of Ferrum metallicum 6 CH can be taken three times a day. But if both shoulders are painful at the same time, Lycopodium 6 CH is indicated with three doses per day of five granules. Finally, if the diagnosis reveals a suspicion of calcification in the joint, a daily intake of 5 granules of Solanum malacoxylon 6 CH is recommended.

Acute pain during exercise

In the case of periarthritis, the pain is triggered in the majority of cases at the time of exercise. The treatment to be prescribed depends on the severity of the pain in the muscles or tendons, as well as the frequency and duration of the inflammation. For superficial pain occurring at the same time as exercise, Arnica montana 5 CH, Symphytum 5 CH and Ruta graveolens 5 CH are indicated with an obligation to rest during treatment. Two granules of one of these remedies should be taken every hour until the pain subsides. If the pain occurs during exercise and is prolonged, even at rest, Rhus toxicodendron 5 CH is indicated with four or five doses of 3 granules per day. The same prescription is recommended in combination with Bryonia 5 CH and Hypercium 5 CH if flare-ups of periarthritis persist for a few days.

Periarthritis with edema

In some cases, periarthritis is accompanied by the formation of painful edema. Certain factors including heat, cold, movement can reduce or aggravate the pain. Treatments should take into account the severity of the edema and the associated symptoms. If the pain becomes throbbing and the edema turns red, one to two daily doses of Aconite 7 to 15 CH is indicated. If the pain worsens with the movement of the joint, Belladona 9 CH can be taken, the remedies should be repeated until an improvement is noticed. In the event that the pain of edema can be alleviated with the cold, repeated intake of Apis 5 to 7 CH is recommended. Conversely, if the cold only aggravates the pain, Arsenicum album 5 CH should also be taken repeatedly.

When to see a doctor?

In most cases, without the use of arthroscopy or MRI, the diagnosis of periarthritis is difficult to establish. A medical examination is then necessary in order to better adapt the treatments to be undertaken. It is also advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible, as soon as you become sensitive to pain. Similarly, if a treatment is ineffective, it is important to see your doctor again, especially when the pain tends to worsen.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


In the treatment of periarthritis, homeopathy has proven its worth, especially in the management of pain. Phytolacca 5 CH, for example, is effective in cases of pain spreading to the elbow.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Treatment of shoulder periar ...
  3. Acute pain during exercise
  4. Periarthritis with edema
  5. When to see a doctor?

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