Treating rheumatoid arthritis with homeopathy

A disease characterized by acute inflammation of the joints, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to disability. Homeopathy offers effective treatments for all the symptoms of this pathology.

Rheumatoid arthritis has a bad reputation for being serious and it mostly affects women. This disease is the most severe among inflammatory rheumatism affecting the joints. In most cases, it is disabling and can appear in the age group between 40 and 50 years old. But there are rare cases of childhood rheumatoid arthritis and the first symptoms appear at a very young age. When not managed properly, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to deterioration of the joint

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the joints in the wrists, fingers, and knees. Initially, the disease manifests itself with the appearance of edema in the joints. In the majority of cases, it is symmetrical, i.e., both joints can be affected simultaneously on the same part of the body. There is a rise in temperature in the affected joint and it tends to turn purple. The first pains may occur intermittently, but they are stronger in the early morning and at night. The most significant sign of joint inflammation is persistent and painful stiffness of the joints when you wake up, which can fade when a hot pad is applied or stretched.

Treatment of chronic pain

In most cases, rheumatoid arthritis is a diathetic disease, which means that several diseases can appear at the same time with the first symptoms. For example, Luesinum and Tuberculinum resudum are usually prescribed for the duration of treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. But in order to reduce the pain, surface treatments with Aurum mettalicum, Phosphorus or Arsenicum Album can be recommended.


with most joint inflammations, rheumatoid arthritis, even under medical treatment, can present an increase or reduction in pain depending on the patient's general health. Initially, pain may stop after taking a few doses of Ferrum phosphorum. But if pain tends to fade when the body is at rest, a treatment based on Bryonia is recommended. In case of muscle constriction accompanied by pain in the joints, Cimicifuga is indicated. Finally, if the pain can be chased away by a massage or by an obliteration, the Rhus can be used as a palliative.

Pain and climate changes

Depending on the season or the weather, it is not uncommon to observe an inflammation crisis related to rheumatoid arthritis in some patients. When the subject is hypersensitive to the slightest change in weather, homeopathy recommends a Rhododendron-based treatment. Similarly, if the pain is influenced by the change in temperature, it can be reduced with Causticum. In case of pain under the effect of humidity or rain, Dulcamara grains can be taken.

When to see a doctor?

Left untreated, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to irreversible disability. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor or rheumatologist as soon as you feel abnormal pain in the joints. In the event that the disease is under treatment, it is recommended to regularly monitor its evolution in order to determine whether the prescribed treatments are effective or not.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Homeopathy seems to have a head start in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis since it helps to alleviate the symptoms with remedies adapted to each case.

  1. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthr ...
  2. Treatment of chronic pain
  3. Pain and climate changes
  4. When to see a doctor?

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