Polyneuritis is an attack on the sensory nerves in the feet and calves. It occurs in heredo-degenerative diseases of the nervous system. Polyneuritis is one of the nerve conditions or neuropathy that cause neuralgia.
Polyneuritis is an inflammation of several nerves in the body. It is defined as the simultaneous damage to the nerves in a symmetrical position. For this purpose, it is the nerves on the two opposite sides that are affected. The disease results in a typical sensory-motor form of both lower limbs. Polyneuritis can be of alcoholic origin causing a deficiency of vitamins B1, B6 and PP. Infectious causes can be AIDS, tuberculosis and botulism. Polyneuritis can also have metabolic origins such as diabetes, chronic kidney failure and acute intermittent porphyria.
Symptoms of polyneuritis
Polyneuritis is manifested by insensitivity of the nerves in the calves and feet. The incoherent transmission of messages to the brain causes tingling and tingling sensations. Strange sensations sometimes appear, such as the impression of wearing a sock and the disturbance of sensitivity. Polyneuritis also leads to paralysis of certain extensor muscles of the foot. As a result, the subject has a stepping gait because he is forced to raise his knees to avoid tripping on sidewalks and steps. There is also muscle wasting in the calf area as well as the existence of buff spots or dry skin.
Polyneuritis Treatments
Treatmentshould be tailored to the cause of the polyneuritis pain. Therefore, if neuralgia occurs after a dry cold snap, it is necessary to treat with Aconite 7 CH. Otherwise, if the cause is wet weather, Dulacamar 7 CH should be administered. If pain occurs as a result of nerve trauma, Hyperricum 7 CH is the most indicated. If it occurs after shingles, Mezereum 7 CH should be used. Pain can also occur at fixed times. In this case, Cedron 7 CH should be administered. Moreover, the remedy varies according to the aggravating factor. For example, China 7 CH should be used if the pain intensifies in the event of drafts, Mezereum 7 CH for night pain and Rhododendron in stormy weather. The remedy can also be adapted according to the improvement factors, for example Magnesia Phoshorica 7 CH for high pressure and heat, or Secale Cornutum 5 CH for cold. Finally, the treatment can also be adapted according to the patient's sensation: Aconite 7 CH for numbness or Belladona 7 CH for heartbeat.
When to see a doctor?
Medical consultation is essential when the treatment does not lead to any improvement. It is also necessary in the event of persistent disorders or recurrences after recovery.