Reducing the Effects of Facial Paralysis with Homeopathy

Not being able to smile and chew properly are part of the inconveniences of facial paralysis. But thanks to homeopathy, it is possible to treat this pathology effectively.

Facial paralysis is the result of a complete or partial deficit of the central nerve. It most often manifests itself as a deformation of the face of the person who is the victim. Facial paralysis can occur for no apparent reason and is then called Bell's palsy. It has been noted that a fracture of the rock bone, resulting in nerve damage, can sometimes cause facial paralysis. It can also be due to compression of the nerve by certain types of tumors. Ear infections, shingles and diabetes are also likely causes of facial paralysis. On the other hand, it can occur following a stroke. Much more annoying than painful, facial paralysis can nevertheless be treated, and the results obtained can be very satisfactory and rapid.

Symptoms of facial paralysis

Depending on the type of facial paralysis, the manifestations may differ. In some people, the signs are sometimes so minimal that they are not even noticeable. Peripheral facial paralysis is the result of a deficiency of the central nerve located before the core of the brainstem. It most often manifests itself as persistent pain behind one ear or prolonged stiffness of the neck. Depending on the person, the worsening of this type of facial paralysis can occur within a few days or hours. Paralysis is then manifested by the unilateral relaxation of the facial muscles, which can go as far as speech or hearing difficulties. In the case of central facial paralysis where the central nerve lesion is located after the nucleus, the lower part of the face is the most affected and the eye located in the part affected by the paralysis can only partially close.


treatment of facial paralysis can last a few months and homeopathic medicines are suitable for each type of paralysis. Thus, taking a granule of Aconite 9 CH every quarter of an hour is the ideal solution for types of peripheral facial paralysis, including the so-called refrigerated facial paralysis. For cases of chronic facial paralysis, it is advisable to take three granules of Causticum 5 CH three times a day until complete recovery.

When to see a doctor?

Since it is sometimes difficult to find the exact cause of facial paralysis, it is always recommended to consult a doctor as soon as the first signs appear. In the event that the paralysis is accompanied by unbearable pain in the ears, medical advice is essential. Other medical examinations such as MRI or computerized tomography as well as spinal fluid analysis can then be performed to confirm or refute a diagnosis of facial paralysis.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Compared to other types of treatment, homeopathy has the merit of relieving the effects of facial paralysis by regularly taking certain medicines derived from natural plants in well-defined doses. Thus, the homeopathic remedies Aconite and Causticum provide very satisfactory results.

  1. Symptoms of facial paralysis
  2. When to see a doctor?

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