Pubalgia is the set of several painful manifestations that result from disorders at the crossroads of the pubis, the surrounding tendons and the muscles of the abdominal belt to the pelvis. Pubalgia is usually caused by an imbalance in the ratio of effort performed on the one hand by stiff muscles and on the other hand by more fragile muscles. Sportsmen and women such as tennis players and footballers are the most affected by pubalgia.
Symptoms of pubalgia In the
first stage, pubalgia is characterized by simple tendonitis of the adductor muscles near the inner thigh. People suffering from this muscle disorder then feel pain when they hit the ball in football or when they accelerate their running pace or when they go to jump. The pain can be located in various places such as the abdominal muscles at the top of the pubic area. It is almost permanent, knowing that it is felt as well when walking as when getting out of bed. Pain felt in the upper groin is sometimes a sign of pubalgia. In this case, it is the oblique abdominal muscles that are involved.
However, these symptoms can be a precursor to another pathology concerning the bone structure. Therefore, an X-ray of the bones is always desirable to have a doctor's interpretation.
Dosages of homeopathic remedies for pubalgia
Since pubalgia can affect all age groups, it is advisable to dissolve the homeopathic remedy granules in a little water for sensitive subjects such as young children.
In the case of pain proven to be symptomatic of pubalgia, the homeopathic remedy Calcarea phosphorica 15 CH should be taken at a rate of 5 granules per day during a 2-month background treatment.
In the event of a pain attack due to pubalgia, Ruta Graveolens 5 CH should be administered immediately for a dose of 5 granules. It should be combined with the same dose and dilution of Calcarea phosphorica 5 CH, twice a day for a 10-day course.
When should you see a doctor?
Since the pain caused by pubalgia is often confusing, it is highly recommended to see a specialist for the diagnosis. The pain can gradually intensify to the point of invalidating the subject. It also happens that pubalgia emits sudden painful irradiations that give the sensation of having torn a muscle in the pubic area. So much doubt therefore prompts the opinion of a doctor. However, the pain caused by pubalgia is often amplified by efforts leading to abdominal thrusting, coughing fits or abdominal muscle building exercises.