Pancreatitis, the inflammation of the pancreas, can be benign, but that doesn't mean it's not dangerous. This is because even cases of benign pancreatitis cause acute pain and can lead to rapid death. Pancreatitis can also be chronic and in this case, it causes sclerosis of the pancreas which can destroy it. There are many factors that cause pancreatitis.
Causes and symptoms of pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis mostly affects women and is almost always caused by a gallstone. Initially, complications of gallstone only cause benign edematous pancreatitis that does not cause too much pain. But when it is poorly treated, it turns into ulcerative hemorrhagic pancreatitis, and causes death in many cases. Other causes include alcoholism, taking certain medications, or an injury from fibroscopy. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by very intense pain in the pit of the stomach or in the solar plexus.
Chronic pancreatitis is mainly caused by chronic alcoholism. Alcohol causes sclerosis that self-ingests the organ and the disease becomes complicated to the point of leading to several acute attacks. This type of pancreatitis can be recognized by the extreme weight loss of patients and fatty diarrhoea. Another important sign is the violent pain that is felt under the sternum and that extends to the back.
Homeopathic treatments for pancreatitis
When the condition has not yet reached a critical threshold, it is possible to relieve the patient by giving him Phosphorus 5 CH, combined with Iodum 5 CH. This mixture is prescribed at the rate of three granules alternately three times a day and the treatment must be continued until the patient's condition improves.
In specific cases, the homeopath usually takes into account the symptoms before proposing treatment. For example, if pancreatitis is accompanied by foul breath, with the tongue keeping the impression of the teeth when bitten lightly, Mercurus solubilis should be prescribed. If the patient is very thirsty, feels less ill when lying on his stomach and endures sudden violent pain accompanied by shaking, the best treatment is Belladonna. Alcohol-dependent patients whose pancreatitis is accompanied by fatty stools that smell very bad should take Arsenicum album. When pancreatitis is accompanied by a feeling of heat in the abdomen and whitish stools, the patient should take Spongia tosta. Finally, for those who suffer from diarrheal pancreatitis with very loud belching and epigastric pain in the left hypochondria, the best medicine is Argentum nitricum.
When to see a doctor?
Some symptoms should prompt patients to consult a practitioner who will be able to provide better treatment. When the patient is in the grip of fever and jaundice, separated or combined, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. This should also be the case when the patient's weight loss is accompanied by diarrhea and pain without fever or vomiting.