Treating cystitis and painful spasms with Pareira Brava

Pareira Brava is a homeopathic remedy whose main actions concern cystitis, especially in men, and painful spasms manifested by renal colic, etc.

Pareira Brava is a medicine specially used in homeopathy. It is prepared from the Chondrodendron Tomentasum, a plant belonging to the Menispermaceae family. It is a climbing shrub of South American origin. This plant contains a certain level of alkaloid which gives it curarizing and antispasmodic properties. It was from this plant that the Indians of South America extracted the curare which they used to poison their arrows. However, when diluted several times, the dried roots of this plant give the mother texture of a very effective and safe remedy. With a very limited action, this remedy acts mainly on the urinary organs.

Urinary and gynaecological disorders

The homeopathic remedy Pareira Brava is prescribed in cases of acute cystitis, when urination is weak or requires great pushing efforts. It is a recommended remedy when the urge to urinate becomes very frequent and the subject has difficulty holding urine. It is also used to treat urinary pain manifested by spasms in the urinary tract, and to reduce severe pain in the thighs or even genitals that is felt after urination.


Pareira Brava can be prescribed to pregnant women suffering from kidney pain such as renal colic, fever, and other pregnancy-related illnesses. This remedy also helps nannies who have difficulty breastfeeding their babies due to the swelling of the breasts.

Dosage indicated in case of urinary and gynaecological disorders

It is recommended that people suffering from acute cystitis, weak or difficult urination, take 3 granules of Pareira Brava 5 CH every 30 minutes, then space out the doses according to the improvement. To remedy the frequent urge to urinate as well as difficulties in holding urine, the patient should take 3 granules of Pareira Brava 5 CH 3 times a day. To alleviate the sharp pain radiating to the thighs and genitals after urination, it is advisable to take Pareira Brava 4 CH at a rate of 3 granules every hour.

Dosage indicated in the field of obstetrics

Renal colic may improve positively if the subject simultaneously takes Pareira Brava 5 CH, Berberis Vulgaris 5 CH, Lycopodium 5 CH, Calcarea Carbonica 5 CH and Belladonna 7 CH, 3 granules of each every 15 minutes before spacing according to improvement. Fever and other diseases suffered by pregnant women are treated with Pareira Brava 5 CH, Belladonna 5 CH and Berberis Vulgaris 5 CH, 3 granules of each remedy to be taken alternately every 15 minutes. It is recommended to take a dose of Pareira 15 CH, once or twice a day to combat swelling and other breast pain in nannies.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


The homeopathic remedy Pareira Brava can be used in the treatment of cholecystitis. In this case, it is added to other remedies such as Arnica, Belladonna and many others to form a mixture to be drunk every 15 minutes.

  1. Urinary and gynaecological d ...
  2. Obstetrics
  3. Dosage indicated in case of ...
  4. Dosage indicated in the fiel ...

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