Various treatments, slimming programs and diets exist to fight against overweight, which is often a source of complexes for some people. But by opting for a homeopathic treatment, the patient can limit the dreaded yo-yo effects. Indeed, in homeopathy, four very distinct diatheses, including psorea, sycosis, luteism and tuberculinism, define the manifestations of overweight and its origins and these can therefore be treated, without the risk of weight regain.
In the psoric patient, overweight occurs as a result of a lack of elimination of toxins as well as chronic intoxication due to an unhealthy and unbalanced diet, characterized by a surplus of sugar, meat and alcohol. Thus, it manifests itself in fat storage, chronic rheumatism, kidney and gallbladder problems, hypersensitivity, asthma, migraine, depression, intellectual slowing down and fatigue.
For sycotics, obesity, overweight and cellulitis come from various triggering factors such as surgery, a very unbalanced diet or a psychological shock (depressive state), aggravated by water retention. Thus, in addition to being overweight, he has profuse sweating, a pale complexion, numerous cysts, and is very reactive to different medications such as antidepressants or corticosteroids. Weight gain usually begins in autumn and ends at the end of winter.
In a luteic subject, overweight is hereditary, with a weight of more than 4 kg from birth, or acquired and the usual slimming programs have no effect on obesity. But in addition, the luteic can have a medical history such as syphilis or treponema, pre-term deliveries, repetitive miscarriages, psychological disorders, hyperactivity, impatience, paradoxical behaviors.
Tuberculin is prone to nerve hypersensitivity and fatigue, which usually causes weight gain. Thus, the symptoms are varied, ranging from chilliness, to constipation, venous problems, problems of the ENT sphere and bronchopulmonary history.
Treatment of overweight in the psoric and sycotic patient
For psorics, different homeopathic remedies must be combined in order to combat the factors of obesity. The basic treatments are Graphite, Sulfur, Lycopodium, Psorinum and Sepia, to be used according to the patient's profile. Graphites is prescribed to people who are cold and constipated, Sulfur to those with intense fatigue and great hunger well before lunch. Lycopodium is recommended for liver patients without urinary problems, while Psorinum is indicated for those who suffer from obesity as a result of fatigue and diseases whose symptoms have improved with eating. Finally, Sepia is recommended for patients suffering from intellectual slowdown and physical fatigue. These basic remedies will then be combined with other treatments such as Petroleum and Acidum phosphoricum which eliminate toxins, or Hepar sulphur which gives tone and vitality.
For sycotics, depending on the severity of the symptoms, different remedies are proposed. When it comes to treating water retention, Natrum sulfuricum and Thuja are the most suitable. On the other hand, if weight gain is linked to diseases such as urinary tract or genital infections or hormonal imbalances, Causticum is the most indicated. Dulcamara is most suitable for those who experience weight gain in autumn. And when cysts, polyps or warts appear, the use of Thuja in combination with Acidum nitricum is the most effective treatment.
Treatment of luteic and tuberculin overweight
To lose weight, the basic treatments for luteic patients are Calcarea fluorica, Baryta carbonica and Aurum metalicum combined with other remedies adapted to each context. In the presence of inflammation, for example, Argentum nitricum (recommended in case of nervous disorders) and Mercurius are effective, to be combined with Mezerreum, Kalium bichromicum and Hydrastis. In case of vascular problems, Baryta carbonica and Aurum metalicum are the most suitable.
Depending on the variety of symptoms of his overweight, the tuberculin will be treated with different remedies. Generally, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum and Sulfur iodatum are recommended. Then, other remedies such as Sepia, Pulsatilla, Natrum phosphoricum, Kalium phosphoricum, Calcarea phosphorica can complete the treatment.