Gingivorrhagia is an inflammation that occurs in the gums. Sometimes, it can be of drug origin and in this case, the use of anticoagulants, vitamin K or antithrombolytics can be responsible. Diseases such as hemorrhagic fever and diffuse hemorrhage syndrome can also cause gingivorrhagia, as can gum disorders such as pyorrhea. Finally, gum hemorrhage can also occur following more serious disorders such as leukemia, vitamin deficiency and liver cirrhosis.
Symptoms of gingivorrhagia
Gingivorrhagia or gingival hemorrhage is manifested by bleeding gums accompanied by pain and is noticeable by the presence of blood on the toothbrush after brushing. The subject with gingivorrhagia secretes abundant saliva and often gives off foul breath. These symptoms may also be accompanied by ulcerated gums and dry mouth. The teeth can also loosen and become mobile and fragile. In some cases, there may even be swelling of the salivary glands with or without pain.
Recommended homeopathic treatments
In order to reduce spontaneous bleeding or bleeding caused by brushing, it is advisable to opt for remedies such as Kalium Bichromicum and Mercurius Solubilis. To soothe malignant ulcerations that may appear in alcoholics or syphilitics, it is recommended that the affected person be administered 5 granules of Lachesis mutus 7 CH every 3 hours, bearing in mind that the doses should be spaced out according to the improvement of the symptoms. It should also be noted that Kalium Phosphoricum can be used to treat gingivorrhagia effectively in asthenic subjects or in the elderly.
If gingivorrhagia is accompanied by dry mouth, canker sores and a bitter taste, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Nux Vomica twice a day until improvement. If the gums have ulcerations and swellings and if the teeth have become very sensitive to temperature variations and chewing food, Ammonium Carbonicum and Phosphoricum Acidum should be used. To treat gingivorrhagia with inflamed gums, it is advisable to mix Baryta Carbonica 1 to 3 CH with Baryta Carbonica 9, 15 or 30 CH in spaced doses. In low dilution, this remedy is used to stop the sclerotic evolution while in high dilution, it allows the disorder to be treated in the long term.
When to see a doctor?
Medical consultation is necessary when the bleeding is repetitive during brushing. Loosening teeth, the appearance of gum pain or the presence of fever are also warning signs. The existence of lymph nodes under the jaw or an indurated area in the mouth are all signs to justify a medical consultation.