Treating lymphedema with homeopathy

Lymphedema is a swelling of the tissues in the limbs. Homeopathy helps to fight against this disorder in order to regain an optimal state of health.

Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the connective tissues. There are two main types: primary or primary lymphedema, caused by the deterioration of the lymphatic vessels, and secondary lymphedema, which occurs following the removal of lymph nodules. Primary lymphedema is a congenital condition that can occur in children as young as two years of age or in women over the age of 35.

As for secondary lymphedema, it is the most often linked to trauma due to an accident or radiotherapy. Surgery can also be one of the causes of lymphedema. The main surgical procedures that can be responsible for it are stripping, peripheral vascular surgery and lipectomy. Lymphedema secondary to the upper limb is located in the axillary hollow. It is a form of complication of breast cancer. Other causes of lymphedema are burns, compression of the lymph nodes, or radiation.

Symptoms of lymphedema Lymphedema

is manifested by swelling in the legs and arms accompanied by pain. At first, the subject feels like an asymmetry of his limbs and has difficulty putting on his clothes. Other parts of the body such as the neck or abdomen can also be affected. The subject then complains of severe fatigue and suffers from discoloration of the skin in the affected area. Sometimes it is also possible to observe a deformity such as elephantiasis.

In the long term, lymphedema causes inflammation of the tissues as well as thickening of the affected area with an orange peel appearance. It is also possible to witness the development of bacterial or fungal infections. The direct consequences of lymphedema range from immobilization of the affected limbs to a cosmetic change. The indirect consequences can be of a social or professional nature.

Recommended homeopathic treatments

To treat lymphedema, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 5 CH three times a day. The use of Gingko biloba also stimulates lymphatic drainage in order to eliminate water retention in the cells. Fucus Vesiculosus in mother tincture allows a general drainage of the body in order to better relieve lymphedema. In this case, it is advisable to administer 20 drops of the remedy three times a day, for one week a month.

In order to reduce excessive water retention, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Natrum Sulfuricum 9 CH three times a day. To prevent secondary lymphedema, it is possible to take 5 granules of Bufo bufo 5 CH three times a day. For optimal therapeutic effectiveness, it is advisable to maintain the treatment until the redness and inflammation disappear.

When to see a doctor?

Medical consultation is essential in the presence of redness and warmth in the arm, significant pain or pain in the shoulder and shoulder blade. Other warning signs are the feeling of heaviness and tingling as well as a significant increase in the size of the affected limb.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Homeopathic treatment avoids any complications of lymphedema, which can range from lymphagitis to the development of cancer or lymphangiosarcoma.

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