Fight allergic rhinitis and macular degeneration with Naphthalinum

Remedy watery nasal discharge and calm sneezing attacks: the homeopathic remedy Naphthalinum is an effective treatment for hay fever. Homeopathy is a safe and secure way to fight this disease.

Naphthalinum is a homeopathic remedy prepared from naphthalene. Naphatline is composed of a hydrocarbon that comes from tar and is in the form of white crystal strips. This organic compound is called naphthalene, a very toxic compound but which is also used in the manufacture of antiseptic products. Mothballs are also used as an insecticide and it is primarily a moth repellent.

Naphthalinum is a homeopathic remedy mainly recommended in ENT in cases of allergies or coryza. Thus, it can be used to treat rhinitis of allergic origin and provides a specified treatment in the event of hay fever. This pathology occurs periodically and is manifested by a problem of nasal congestion and a strong nasal discharge that is accompanied by severe itching. Apart from these symptoms affecting the ENT sphere, redness and tearing in the eyes are also observed. Subject sneezes frequently and has a sore throat. Naphthalinum should calm most of these symptoms within the first few days of treatment.

Indications in ophthalmology

The homeopathic remedy Naphtalinum is also recommended in cases of macular degeneration. It is a pathology affecting central vision that can have unfortunate consequences on certain faculties associated with it, such as reading or driving. Naphthalinum is also indicated in cases of chorioretinitis pigmentosa or inflammation of the retina and the membrane that covers it. This pathology is especially common in patients over 50 years of age and is often associated with the onset of cataracts. In some cases, retinal detachment and corneal opacity problems are observed, producing progressive visual impairment in the patient, who will then have the impression of having a black veil in front of the eye.

Recommended dosages in ENT

To treat hay fever, Napthalinum 9 CH granules are recommended, at a rate of 3 granules morning, noon and evening. Treatment should reduce nasal and eye irritation caused by colds. Practitioners advise to reinforce the treatment with Napthalinum with other homeopathic remedies specific to this pathology, such as Sadabilla or Pollen granules. If the rhulme is accompanied by sneezing, pain and burning sensations in the eyes, opt for low dilutions of Naphthalinum at 4 CH or 5 CH.

Recommended dosages in ophthalmology

In case of retinal detachment or for forms of eye disease affecting this membrane, Naphthalinum 5 CH granules are recommended, at a rate of 3 granules to be taken morning, noon and evening. The treatment should be able to remedy the visual disturbances. However, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist to make sure of the diagnosis.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


The homeopathic remedy Naphthalinum also has other virtues outside the framework of ENT conditions and ophthalmic problems. It is also recommended in the treatment of certain urination disorders, especially in cases of cystitis.

  1. Indications in ophthalmology
  2. Recommended dosages in ENT
  3. Recommended dosages in ophth ...

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