The secret of Argentum Metallicum lies in its main strain, which is silver. This metal does not dissolve in alcohol and has no reaction to contact with water. Obtained through a process of dilution of this metal and a combination with other substances, Argentum Metallicum becomes an effective remedy against bacteria.
Bacterial inflammation of the ENT sphere
Argentum Metallicum is mainly indicated in cases of acute laryngitis. This condition affects the vocal cords and causes difficulty speaking or making sounds. It is especially restrictive for people who mainly use their voice in their profession, such as speakers and singers. Argentum Metallicum helps treat the many symptoms associated with it: sore throat, a painful sensation in the larynx, a permanently hoarse voice and difficulty speaking or coughing. The medication is also effective for blocked nostrils, or on the contrary, in case of strong nasal discharge. It also helps to make the tickling sensation in the nostrils disappear. Finally, Argentum Metallicum can also be used on patients complaining of unbearable itching in the inner ear or a blocked right ear.
Indications in gynaecology
Argentum Metallicum is also used in gynaecology, in particular to treat inflammation of the vaginal mucosa or vaginitis. This pathology is manifested by a secretion of grey and foul-smelling mucous membrane, which may disappear as treatment progresses. In other patients, the vaginal discharge is more brown or greenish in color and smelly. This remedy also helps to combat the decrease in libido as well as the frigidity that can result from it. Argentum Metallicum is also ideal for reducing the feeling of pressure around the vulva and back pain. It may also be suitable for treating a superficial lesion of the cervix in the case of a slightly advanced stage of the pathology.
Recommended dosages in case of laryngitis
In general, it is the doctor or homeopath who will choose the most appropriate dose for the patient, depending on the pathology, the severity of the symptoms observed and the general condition of the individual. These parameters will also be taken into account to find the ideal duration of treatment. It should also be noted that the remedy is absolutely to be taken outside of meal times, and is incompatible with the intake of coffee, tobacco and mint.
Thus, simple laryngitis can normally be treated with 5 granules of Argentum Metallicum 5 CH in the morning and 5 granules in the evening. The treatment should be continued without interruption for 3 months. Acute laryngitis accompanied by a feeling of blockage in the throat requires treatment with a more heavily diluted remedy. In this case, it is recommended to take Argentum Nitricum 7 CH, with 5 granules in the morning and 5 granules in the evening, for 3 months as well.
In case of vaginitis, Argentum Metallicum 5 CH is also taken, with 5 granules in the morning and 5 granules in the evening. The treatment is to be prescribed for a period of 1 month. If at the end of this period, no improvement is observed, you should consult a gynaecologist as soon as possible.