The repertoire of homeopathic medicines includes mineral salts known as Schüssler's salts. These salts, which bear the name of the German homeopathic doctor, Guillaume Henri Schuessler (1821-1898), are twelve in number. Among these Schüssler salts that have been introduced into homeopathic therapy is Kalium Sulfuricum or Potassium Sulphate or Potassium Sulphate. It is crushed with the powder of this salt, which is the result of a fine grinding. To do this, it is mixed with lactose during the preparation of the remedy.
Depending on the preparation process, Kalium Sulfuricum exists in the form of a decimal trituration (D). Developed according to the Hahnemannian process for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines, it is also available in Hahnemannian Centesimal (CH). In the first case, after crushing, it is diluted ten times, to obtain the first decimal trituration. In the second case, the homeopathic dilution is carried out a hundred times for the first unit. Then each dilution is stirred during the dynamization process which aims to maintain and strengthen the properties of the remedy. In short, Kalium Sulfuricum is a highly energized salt and therefore a homeopathic remedy that is used in the treatment of several pathologies.
ENT indications
Several conditions are accompanied by a secretion of different colors or natures. This secretion can be abundant and obstruct the nose when it comes to a cold. In the case of a common cold and sinusitis, it can be slightly thick, itchy, dark yellow or green. The runny nose may be yellow with a wet cough. All these diseases of the nasal passage are therapeutic indications for Kalium Sulfuricum.
Indeed, this remedy is very suitable for the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pathologies that lead to yellowish secretions from the nose or ear. These are nasopharyngitis, catarrh of the Eustachian tube (eustachitis). The effectiveness of this remedy also makes it possible to successfully treat acute or chronic inflammation of the ear such as otitis. It is also prescribed in the presence of chronic tonsillitis, anosmia (loss or reduction of smell) or mucous membrane rhinorrhea characterized by abundant secretion of mucus.
Indications in dermatology
Kalium Sulfuricum is a homeopathic medicine used in dermatology due to its effective therapeutic action against skin conditions. To this end, several qualifiers are attributed to it: "skin remedy", "epidermal remedy" because its healing properties have an anti-inflammatory action against dermatoses such as eczema and psoriasis. Eczema is a skin condition of allergic origin, accompanied by severe itching. It can manifest as white secretions with a yellow color.
Psoriasis is a chronic condition dominated by reddish lesions. Thus, this remedy is prescribed against skin pathologies of infectious or allergic origin. These can be characterized by scales on the feet and hands, a rash of red patches on the skin (scarlet fever) or yellow scabs. Kalium Sulfuricum is also a great help in case of acne, allergies or skin conditions.
Recommended dosage in case of pathology of the ENT sphere
In the presence of manifestations of chronic rhino-pharyngitis characterized by a yellow secretion, the required dosage is three granules of Kalium Sulfuricum 9 CH, three times a day. In the case of rhinorrhea accompanied by a wet cough, three granules of Kalium Sulfuricum 9 CH should be taken four times a day. For a cold characterized by a cough and a yellow discharge, three granules of Kalium Sulfuricum should be taken three to five times a day. In the case of mucosal otitis, five granules of Kalium Sulfuricum 9 CH twice a day are recommended.
Recommended dosage in case of dermatological pathology
When a baby's skin turns yellow in the case of a significant manifestation of jaundice, it is advisable to give him five granules or a dose of Kalium Sulfuricum 7 CH in a single dose. In newborns, the granules should be diluted with water.