Treating gynecological disorders with Murex purpurea

From premenstrual syndrome to the consequences of menopause, Murex Purpurea is mainly indicated to treat menstruation-related problems.

Murex Purpurea is a homeopathic remedy created from a gastropod mollusc, better known as the sea snail. The name "purpurea" comes from the color of the purple-colored substance that is derived from it. Under the shell of sea snails, a white powder is removed, which turns purple on contact with the air. In fact, sea snails were used in ancient times to make the dye called "purple". This powder is made of a mixture of serotonin, copper, zinc and cadmium.

Premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea

Murex Purpurea is particularly suitable for women who have problems during their premenstrual period. This syndrome usually manifests itself as a depressive state, unconsciousness and almost permanent sadness. This remedy is also effective in treating the menstrual disorders that follow: very heavy and irregular periods. During the menstrual period, the patient constantly complains of a migraine that persists in the morning and loses her appetite. She also complains of pain in her abdomen, which is calmed by crossing her legs.


Purpurea is also indicated in the event of the onset of a sexual behavioural disorder. In women, this most often manifests itself as nymphomania. At the slightest sexual touch, the woman feels a violent sexual desire and a strong arousal that is almost uncontrollable. The libido is clearly developed. Taking the remedy should calm the irresistible and uncontrolled urge to have constant intercourse. Murex Purpurea is also recommended in case of thick, green vaginal discharge due to inflammation of the vulvar area.


With the cessation of menstruation resulting from a drop in hormones, menopause is often a difficult period for women. Murex Purpurea allows women to combat the unpleasant symptoms that come with it. In particular, it can remedy a possible libido problem and fight against vaginal dryness. Murex Purpurea is also recommended for alleviating pain in the uterus, breast pain, and lower back pain that may be due to the decrease in the size or volume of the genitals. Finally, this remedy helps to treat the emotional and psychological disorders that can affect women at the beginning of menopause and chases away fatigue.

Recommended dosages

For the treatment of premenstrual syndromes, the homeopath will prescribe 3 granules of Murex Purpurea 5 CH, to be taken in the morning and evening. The intake begins as soon as symptoms appear and the treatment can be extended if necessary until the onset of menstruation. To remedy behavioral disorders, Murex Purpurea 5 CH should also be taken, for a daily treatment in three doses: morning, noon and evening. We will take 3 granules per dose and the treatment continues until the sexual urges subside. For the treatment of menopausal symptoms, one should always take Murex Purpurea 5 CH, 3 granules once a day, preferably in the evening before going to bed. Finally, to calm the sensations of particular pain (lower back pain, in the uterus or in the breasts), we will opt for Murex Purpurea 15 CH.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Murex Purpurea is a homeopathic remedy mainly used in gynecology. But it is also an effective remedy for certain gastric, abdominal, urinary and psychological disorders. It should be noted that it can also be used in humans, in case of problems with urination or abundant and colorless urine at night.

  1. Premenstrual syndrome and dy ...
  2. Murex
  3. Menopause
  4. Recommended dosages

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