Treating heart conditions with Lycopus

Lycopus is a plant that has many medicinal properties. It is regularly used by homeopaths to treat many diseases.

Lycopus is a homeopathic remedy derived from a herbaceous plant called European lycope. This plant is also known by other names such as "the spear of Christ", "water nettle" or "water hemp". Possessing several therapeutic virtues, this remedy is used to treat several more or less serious conditions. The leaves of the plant are mainly used to make the remedy.

Origin of Lycopus Lycopus

Lycopus comes from a plant called Lycopus d'Europa. It is a herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family that can reach up to 1.20 meters in height. It is found in many regions of France. In some parts of Europe, it is known as crumièvre or crumène. This plant has a creeping stump and erect stems with a square section. The European lycope blooms from July and blooms until the end of September.

The European Lycop is especially appreciated for its leaves. Indeed, the latter produce a black dye widely used by the Roma, a nomadic people, to decorate their skin. But it is above all for its usefulness in homeopathy that the plant is renowned.

Main indications of the homeopathic remedy Lycopus

Lycopus is generally used in the treatment of certain heart disorders. Most of the time, the patient develops heart disease accompanied by palpitations and coughing of irritation. It is also common for the person with this type of disease to be very nervous and for his pulse to be so weak that it is difficult to spot it. These symptoms are a sign of a weak heart.

But lycopus can also be used to treat other heart diseases, including those that manifest as enlarged heart, pain and palpitations.

Other indications for lycopus

Apart from cardiology, lycopus is also used to treat other pathologies. Among other things, it makes it possible to treat very common and dangerous diseases in tropical areas. Typhoid and malaria are among the diseases that the lycopus treats effectively. Before using it, it is necessary to make sure that the patient has a fairly high fever and bulging eyes.

Some more or less bothersome disorders can also be treated by lycopus. These include certain forms of otitis, toothaches and inflammation of the palate. It is also recommended in the treatment of severe eye inflammations such as pericarditis. Some rheumatic pain, especially those accompanied by edema and accentuated by the cold, can also be alleviated with lycopus.

In addition, some internal ailments can also be treated with this homeopathic remedy. Thus, lycopus is indicated to treat hernia, intense and chronic pain in the spleen, certain inflammations of the testicle and severe cramps that accompany diarrhea.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Lycopus is a herbaceous plant with multiple uses. In homeopathy, it is used to treat heart conditions and other more or less serious ailments.

  1. Origin of Lycopus Lycopus
  2. Main indications of the home ...
  3. Other indications for lycopu ...

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