A rarely encountered skin condition, lichen planus reappears in an unexplained way. It is a disease whose manifestations are reminiscent of an allergy and if we have difficulty determining its true causes, we do know that it is non-contagious and autoimmune. In many cases, the condition occurs after taking certain medications, but in other cases, it can be caused by certain conditions such as hepatitis C, diabetes, colitis and stress.
Lichen planus is characterized by localized itching and rashing on part of the skin, or on a mucous membrane, or on both at the same time. It can cause glossitis and a feeling of dryness in the mouth. In rare cases, the vaginal or anal mucosa, nails and scalp are also affected.
Sincelichen planus manifests itself as an allergy affecting the skin and mucous membranes, Natrum muriaticum is indicated. In order to speed up healing, Natrum muriaticum 5 CH can be combined with Arsenicum album 5 CH and Anacardium 5 CH at a rate of 3 granules of each, to be taken daily alternately until improved.
Skin irritation
In order to reduce itching and not aggravate skin inflammation, Anacardium oriental is effective, especially if the itching is soothed by scratching and heat. However, when the skin tends to dry out, Arsenicum iodatum 9 CH and Kalium arsenicosum 9 CH, once a week, produce remarkable effects.
Oral and vaginal inflammation
When lichen planus affects the oral or vaginal mucous membranes, Mercurius solubilis 9 CH is to be combined with the basic treatment. One dose per week is indicated in case of oozing lesions or in the presence of scabs inside the mouth.
When to see a doctor?
In order not to aggravate the symptoms of lichen planus, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as the skin lesions appear, as well as in the event of a dry feeling in the mouth and severe itching on a part of the body.