Treating vertebral osteophytosis with homeopathy

Vertebral osteophytosis is a painful form of bone diseases, particularly of the spine, but which can now be treated with homeopathy.

Vertebral osteophytosis is a disease that causes very painful bone damage in the absence of proper care. The effects of vertebral osteophytosis affect the intervertebral discs, spinal cord and spinal nerves. Vertebral osteophytosis also causes early disabilities that accelerate the wear and tear of the bones. Prostheses can be placed at the knees and hips but never to support the spine.


Vertebral osteophytosis is manifested by dull and progressive pain. Sharp pain aggravated by moving is a recurrent sign of the pathology. The warning signs also depend on the position of the lesions in the spine. The pain is usually felt in the lower back near the lumbar region. Vertebral osteophytosis also leads to stiffness of the neck and cervical. Torticollis as well as pain with muscle cramps or caused by a stressful situation are all telltale signs of vertebral osteophytosis. This pathology rarely affects the vertebrae located in the middle of the spine. Sometimes, vertebral osteophytosis narrows the canal through which the spinal cord passes, which will compress the spinal cord and prevent it from effectively carrying messages to the brain. Compression of the spinal cord can be recognized by paralysis of the lower limbs or difficulty moving the legs.

Homeopathic treatments

Actaea Racemosa homeopathy in dilution 5 to 9 hours is administered three times a day if the patient experiences pain associated with muscle cramps. The contracture can result from an effort that has solicited the forward curvature of the back, such as sewing or typing.

Painful muscle contractures due to vertebral osteophytosis can also manifest themselves depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In this case, menstruation only aggravates the pain, especially at the time of heavy flows, which subsequently leads to torticollis. To remedy this, Agaricus should be taken for 4 to 5 hours, especially if the patient feels numbness and clumsiness in the hands in the morning. The remedy should be taken three times a day for maximum effectiveness.

If it is a vertebral osteophytosis whose associated pain is aggravated by stressful situations, the subject should be treated with Ignatia Amara from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in a single dose in the morning.

Magnesia Phosphorica 9 H to 15 H will be administered to treat painful spasms and muscle contractures. This homeopathy will be strongly recommended when the pain radiates to the face causing muscle tension. To do this, you need to take the homeopathic medicine three times a day.

If humid weather aggravates the feeling of aches, you should take three doses of Phytolacca 5 to 7 hours a day. It will be combined with Bryonia if rest and heat improve the patient's condition.

In the probable event that the pain associated with vertebral osteophytosis appears at night and also leads to inflammation until the morning, the indicated homeopathic remedy is Rhus Toxicodendron 5 H to 15 H in three doses a day.

When to see a doctor?

Knowing that vertebral osteophytosis is a deaf bone pathology, it is not possible to define the right time for a medical consultation. However, in case of doubt and when one of the symptoms mentioned occurs occasionally or regularly, it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor as soon as possible.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


As osteophytosis is part of the list of degenerative diseases, it should be treated as soon as possible. Homeopathic remedies are effective in alleviating the disorders related to the disease.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Homeopathic treatments
  3. When to see a doctor?

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