Treating cenesthopathy with homeopathy

Homeopathic treatment with sabadilla can reduce the states of anxiety as well as the cramps, headaches and sensory disorders that accompany cenesthopathy.

Kenesthopathy is a pathology that distorts the patient's perception and it is rarely painful. However, its various symptoms and manifestations can become a handicap and prevent the patient from having a normal life.


Cenesthopathy is a disorder that is more related to psychiatry, because the disease is defined more as an emotional disorder. It is a form of disorder that is often equated with mild hypochondriasis, but without being accompanied by delusions. Cenesthopaths are subjects who live with a continuous feeling of discomfort and the perception they have of their bodies does not correspond to reality. People with cenesthopathies not only feel strange sensations in their bodies, but also often live in perpetual anxiety, expressed by fears and manic behaviors, especially with regard to hygiene.


The symptoms of cenesthopathy primarily concern body perception: the subject has the impression that his body is changing by increasing or decreasing in volume or by flattening. Sometimes they feel like an electric current is flowing through their bodies or feel cramps and tremors. Disorders due to cenesthopathy are often accompanied by headaches. Skin sensitivity problems such as hyperesthesia, pain and pruritus are also symptoms of cenesthopathy. In some cases, people with the disease may feel like they have a foreign body in their body.

The homeopathic treatment

Sabadilla, obtained thanks to the cevadilla, which is a Mexican plant, is used to fight Cenesthopathy. It is obtained from the seeds of the plant that are dried before extracting the mother tincture. Sabadilla 15 CH is used for the treatment of cenesthopathy, which must last at least three months, with five granules taken twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The tablets are placed under the tongue until they melt.

What you need to know about the treatment

Offered in capsule form, Sabadilla should not be taken with meals. In addition, it is also necessary to deprive oneself of certain substances that can annihilate the effect of the homeopathic treatment. Tobacco and coffee are strictly forbidden during treatment and substances containing mint should be avoided.

When to see a doctor?

If at the end of the homeopathic treatment the patient's condition does not improve, then a medical consultation becomes necessary. If the pathology handicaps the subject and prevents him from having a normal social life, then he is advised to see a doctor.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Homeopathy allows you to treat cenesthopathy in depth. Without attacking the patient's body, homeopathic treatment helps them to feel better and better about their body.

  1. Cenesthopathy
  2. Symptoms
  3. The homeopathic treatment
  4. What you need to know about ...
  5. When to see a doctor?

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