Treating ENT and urological disorders with Capscium anuum

Indicated in the treatment of certain infectious diseases, Capsicum anuum is a broad-spectrum homeopathic medicine. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, it is administered to relieve ENT and urological disorders.

Capsicum anuum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from the garden pepper, more commonly known as "sweet peppers". This American plant of the Solanaceae family is characterized by red, yellow or green fruits depending on their ripeness. Thanks to a series of physico-chemical extractions from the fruit, a mother tincture is obtained which will then undergo successive dilutions to formulate the medicine used in homeopathy. It should be noted that Capsicum anuum is marketed in various formulations, although the most frequently used are granules.


to its particularly effective therapeutic action on certain forms of ENT diseases, Capsicum anuum is widely used in this field. As a result, it is indicated in cases of severe ear infections accompanied by severe pain in the ears. The affected person then feels like he has been stabbed in the ears and has difficulty bearing the resulting pain.

Capsicum anuum is also indicated for the treatment of nasopharyngitis, mainly when the subject has a burning sensation in the nose. This sensation can extend to the throat or even the entire digestive tract. The subject may then present with a feverish state and be constantly thirsty.

Indications in urology

Capsicum anuum is a remedy used in urology for specific symptoms and more particularly in cases of inflammation and intense burning. Most of the time, this burning pain occurs after excessive ingestion of food containing spices and the pain is felt in the urethra.

Recommended dosages in case of ENT disorders

To treat ear infections and the pain associated with them, it is necessary to take 5 granules of Capsicum anuum 7 CH every hour. When the patient's condition improves, the doses should be spaced out gradually. Generally, the treatment is effective from the first doses and lasts only 2 days. For better therapeutic effectiveness, it is advisable to combine the intake of Capsicum anuum with the intake of Ferrum phosphoricum 9 CH, at a rate of 5 granules twice a day for 3 days. To treat nasopharyngeal infections, it is necessary to administer to the patient a dose of 5 granules of Capscicum anuum 7 CH per hour, taking care to space out the doses as the disease improves. However, to be effective, the treatment must be followed regularly for 2 days.

Recommended dosages in case of urological disorders

To relieve burning pain in the urethra, after excessive consumption of spicy foods, it is recommended to take Capsicum anuum 5 CH at a rate of 5 granules per hour. The treatment should be completed by also taking 5 granules of Mercurius corrosivus 7 CH, at a rate of 5 granules per hour. As the patient's condition improves, it will be helpful to space out the doses. For optimal effectiveness, the treatment should be followed for two days.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Capsicum anuum is a remedy that is particularly effective in cases of burning sensation that is not relieved by heat.

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