Caladium Seguinum is a plant-based homeopathic remedy that comes from a tropical plant in South America. It is the arum seguinum or dieffenbachia seguine, commonly known as the Arum of the West Indies. This plant belonging to the Araceae family is very often used as an ornamental plant. If its white-spotted leaves are very popular in decoration, they contain a very toxic substance that will be very important for the manufacture of homeopathic medicine.
Treatment of behavioral disorders
Caladium Seguinum is especially recommended to treat sexual disorders of psychological origin, especially in men. This homeopathic remedy can be used to treat male impotence problems that are accompanied by sexual excesses or an increased increase in desire. Caladium Seguinum is also suitable for individuals suffering from nocturnal ejaculation. These sexual and psychosomatic disorders can also manifest themselves as genital pruritus. Taking this homeopathic medicine should relieve itching in the organs of the genital tract and particularly in the scrotum.
Treatment of itchy skin and genital pruritus
The homeopathic remedy Caladium Seguinum is also recommended in dermatology in the case of intolerance to mosquito bites and those of other insects. The medication should calm the itching. In women, Caladium Seguinum is an effective remedy for genital pruritus, affecting the vulvar region and vagina. The remedy is also used in little girls in the case of vulvar pruritus due to the presence of worms in the vagina.
Other pathologies
Caladium Seguinum also helps to remedy drug addiction problems and in particular tobacco addiction. This homeopathic medicine should treat the withdrawal syndrome, and thus eliminate the nausea, pain or diarrhoea that often accompanies tobacco deprivation. Thus, Caladium Seguinum is the ally of detoxification patients, especially since it allows, among other things, to remove the desire to smoke.
Recommended dosages
To remedy a problem of male impotence, Caladium Seguinum 9 CH is taken, and the recommended dose will vary depending on the severity of the symptom. Thus, in case of total absence of erection, take 3 granules morning, noon and evening. If you have difficulty getting an erection, take the same dose of Caldium Seguinum 9 CH, 3 times a day, but only for a 20-day course per month. In case of excessive smoking, Caladium Seguinum 9 CH is recommended, at a rate of 5 granules morning, noon and evening. Taking the drug should gradually remove the desire to smoke, until it leads to a total aversion to tobacco. Caladium Seguinum 5 CH can also be taken as soon as the temptation is unbearable. For dermatological problems or skin conditions, especially in the case of hypersensitivity to insect bites, Caladium Seguinum 5 CH should be used, at a rate of 5 granules per day. Note that this dosage can also be administered during preventive treatment.