Preventing cardiovascular disorders with homeopathy

Cardiovascular diseases are common and can be fatal if not treated in time. However, complications can be avoided by opting for homeopathic treatment.

Cardiovascular disease has become more and more common nowadays and occurs mainly in the elderly. However, given the relatively high level of stress in everyday life, these diseases do not spare the not so young. There are several types of cardiovascular diseases ranging from high blood pressure (hypertension) to extrasystoles. These diseases are serious and fatal, which can lead to an abrupt stop of the heart if treatment is not done in time.

Symptoms of cardiovascular disease

Symptoms differ depending on the type of disease. Cardiovascular disease can be characterized by an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. Generally, this symptom is accompanied by headaches and heaviness in the neck when taking a salty dish and/or during intense exercise. In parallel with these ailments, an acceleration of the heart rate can be observed.

Cardiovascular disease can also manifest itself as violent pain in the precordial area, mainly due to the contractions of the coronary vessels of the heart. Most of the time, the pain is felt on the left side of the body, behind the breastbone and can extend to the shoulder, arm and jaw. These symptoms occur mainly as a result of excessive exertion. In addition, cardiovascular disease can also manifest itself in the sudden onset of additional contractions of the heart muscles. Extrasystoles come from various sources: coffee consumption, fear, annoyance, etc.


a preventive measure, it is advisable to take a dose of Arnica Montana 9 CH as well as a dose of Phosphorus 9 CH every 15 days in order to limit the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease as much as possible. Nevertheless, the doses must be taken regularly so that the effect of the treatment is optimal.

Prevent cardiovascular risks due to increased blood pressure

To regulate blood pressure, Aurum 7 CH and Baryta carbonicum 7 CH should be alternated in the morning, at a rate of 5 granules. At bedtime, take 5 granules of Glonoinum 5 CH. If the pathology is accompanied by headache, the treatment will consist of taking Melilotus 5 CH.

Preventing cardiovascular disease manifesting itself in pain

Homeopathic treatment of cardiovascular disease manifesting in pain is sometimes limited to taking a single drug if the effect is immediate. At the beginning of the crisis, Aconite 7 CH will be taken, at the rate of one dose. If the pathology persists, take 5 grains of Spigelia 5 CH every 10 minutes. If the pain extends to the left part of the body, the patient should take Latrodectus Mactans 5 CH, at a rate of 3 granules at the beginning of the attack.

Preventing cardiovascular disease due to heart muscle contractions If

the contractions and palpitations are mainly due to coffee intake, the treatment consists of taking Nux Vomica 7 CH or Coffea 5 CH at bedtime. If the pathology occurs as a result of physical exertion and if it is accompanied by headaches, Spifelia 7 CH is taken. If the contractions are due to annoyance or fear, the remedy to be taken is Ignatia 7 CH or Aconite 9 CH, at the rate of one dose. If the extrasystoles are related to menopause, the patient will need to take Berberis 9 CH.

When to see a doctor?

Although homeopathic treatment has proven to be effective for many people, it is not enough if the pathology is already at an advanced stage. If, despite taking homeopathic medicines, the manifestations of the disease persist or worsen, it is essential to consult a doctor quickly in order to carry out more complete and specific analyses.

Agathe - 72 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Well-Being


In conventional medicine, aspirin is used to prevent cardiovascular events. Although this medication is de rigueur, its effect can be optimized by taking remedies such as Arnica montana and Phosphorus.

  1. Symptoms of cardiovascular d ...
  2. Prevent cardiovascular risks ...
  3. Preventing cardiovascular di ...
  4. Preventing cardiovascular di ...
  5. When to see a doctor?

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