Manganum, an effective homeopathic remedy to treat ENT disorders

Prescribed for various health care, Manganum is a remedy characterized by a wide range of therapeutic action. It is well indicated for the treatment of several pathologies given its many therapeutic indications.

Manganese is a shiny metal of steel gray or silvery white color that has the particularity of being a brittle chemical element with the symbol Mn. In homeopathy, it is used to develop a remedy called Manganum. It is a remedy of mineral origin that is previously finely ground before being crushed in lactose. To serve therapeutic purposes and to intensify the healing properties of this remedy, this solution is diluted several times. Between each dilution, a successive dynamization is established, characterized by vigorous shaking of the solution. It is at the end of these different stages, in accordance with the Hahnemannian method of preparation, that its therapeutic effects prove effective for the homeopathic treatment of several ailments.


Manganum is a homeopathic remedy used for the treatment of several pathologies in the ENT sphere in general or limited to the ears, nose and larynx in a specific way. It is therefore rightly prescribed for the treatment of sudden pain localized in the ear with an aggravation when the weather is wet or cold. These pains may be more severe when talking, laughing or walking quickly, as is the case with acute otalgia. They can also result from inflammation of the hearing organ. Thus, the various otitis (serous, congestive or mucous ear infections), catarrhs of the Eustachian tube, itching in the ear are treated thanks to the therapeutic properties of Manganum. Manganum can be used by people who feel like their ears are blocked, hear noises, sounds, or other hearing impairments.

Nasal passages

Disorders affecting the nasal passages are also indications for Manganum. For this purpose, this drug is recommended for patients who are confronted with obstruction of the nasal passages, blocked nostrils or pain in the nose. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa that manifests itself in this way can be more painful or worse with climate change, especially when it is cold or in winter. Generally, inflammations such as rhinitis or the common cold (coryza) are of viral origin. Symptomatic treatment with Manganum greatly contributes to nasal unblockage, facilitating breathing and avoiding secondary infection. This remedy is also effective against anosmia characterized by a reduction or loss of smell.

Treatment for the larynx

The therapeutic scope of Manganum in the larynx is greatly beneficial to singers, teachers and speakers facing voice alterations. It is an effective remedy to stop hoarseness of the voice and hoarseness that can result from a cold of the brain or laryngitis. To do this, it is particularly indicated for the treatment of cases of acute laryngitis of various origins, viral or toxic following tobacco consumption. It is recommended in the presence of recurrent laryngitis associated with a dry cough without mucus or sputum. Often, these symptoms are distressing when the patient speaks loudly for a long time, or are characterized by an improvement when he or she lies down. Manganum is therefore a therapeutic solution for these patients who are forced to involuntarily clear their throats due to abundant phlegm. It is a remedy that helps alleviate dry throat or symptoms of sore throat.

Recommended dosage in case of pathologies of the ENT sphere

When the pain localized in the larynx is more severe with cold weather or less intense when lying down, the dosage is three granules of Manganum 7 CH, 2 to 4 times a day depending on the severity of the pain. For the treatment of serous otitis, the recommended prescription is 3 granules of Manganum 9 CH per day. The patient may resort to low dilutions (4 CH and 5 CH) when the symptoms of otitis are more distressing during periods or humid, cold, windy weather. In the presence of rhinitis, a dilution of 9 CH is repeated, this time with three granules in the morning and evening. This dilution is generally prescribed at a rate of 3 granules 1 to 3 times a day when the symptoms of the pathology are more specific and more numerous.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Manganum is also active in the central nervous system. It is one of the main remedies involved in the treatment of neurological disorders and particularly Parkinson's disease.

  1. Nasal passages
  2. Treatment for the larynx
  3. Recommended dosage in case o ...

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