Treating anal fissures with homeopathy

An anal fissure is a tear in the anus. It can be trivial and heal easily. If it worsens, there are homeopathic remedies that can treat it depending on the symptoms.

An anal fissure is characterized by a small lesion or crack in the anal canal at the base of the rectum. Adults are the most affected because of repetitive constipation, frequent diarrhoea, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases or because of the practice of sodomy among homosexuals. Infants between 6 months and 2 years old can also fall victim to anal fissure.

There are several forms of anal fissures such as the topographic form comprising bipolar, lateral and anterior fissures; often found in women. The anal fissure can also take a more complicated form and become an infected fissure characterized by purulent oozing from the anus. The patient then has a small nodule caused by the infection. The postoperative form can result from poorly done skin drainage during surgery. Anal fissure can also manifest itself with the appearance of hemorrhoids.


The most common signs of an anal fissure are burning and pain when defecating. Blood stains in the stool or on the toilet paper may be noticed. Muscle cramps in the sphincter and itching in the anus are all telltale signs of anal fissure.

Recommended homeopathic remedies

The homeopathic remedies administered will depend on the cause of the anal fissure. For a fissure caused by strong stools, Nitricum Acidum 7CH at a rate of 5 granules 2 times a day will be prescribed. It will also reduce the consequent pain. Another homeopathic treatment to treat these anal fissures is to combine Ratanhia and Paenia at a rate of 20 drops at noon and in the evening before the meal. For a long-term treatment, Calcarea Fluorica 9 CH will be administered at a rate of 5 granules 3 times a week.

An anal fissure associated with a hemorrhoidal manifestation will be treated with Nitricum acidum 7CH and Ratanhia 7CH. Graphites 4 CH to 7 CH will treat anal fissures associated with chronic constipation in 4 to 6 doses per day. The sharp pains accompanying stools with purulent oozing will be relieved with Nitricum Acidum 4 CH to 7 CH to be taken 4 to 6 times a day. In the presence of itching and burning that persists for hours after defecation, it is necessary to treat yourself with Rathania 4 to 7 hours 4 to 6 times a day.

In all cases, Ratanhia ointment will be used as a top-up application to anal fissures, as an adjunct treatment. It will promote the healing of cracks.

When to see a doctor?

If at the end of homeopathic treatments, symptoms persist and pain increases, you should consult a doctor without delay. In addition, anal fissures tend to become infected or reach the sphincter muscles if not properly treated. Unbearable and persistent pain during bowel movements, as well as bloody anal walls, should be the subject of a medical consultation, as they can be signs of hemorrhoidal strangulation and therefore require surgery.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy works in depth and can treat anal fissures, especially if the causes are diagnosed as soon as symptoms appear.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Recommended homeopathic reme ...
  3. When to see a doctor?

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