Treating dengue fever with homeopathy

Dengue fever is a tropical disease caused by the bite of a mosquito. If identified in time, it can be treated with homeopathic products.

According to the World Health Organization, dengue fever is a fairly mild viral disease. It can worsen and lead to complications that can cause the death of the patient. Homeopathic treatments are effective when the serotype is identified.

Dengue serotypes and their level of virulence

Dengue fever is transmitted to humans by three types of Aedes mosquitoes. The main vectors are Aedes Aegypti and the species polynesiensis and albopictus. These mosquitoes inject four dengue serotypes, Denv 1, 2, 3 and 4. Note that viruses have similar characteristics. Note that a subject may be affected several times by different dengue serotypes. To assess the level of virulence of dengue serotypes, WHO defined asymptomatic and symptomatic aspects. The asymptomatic form includes infections without symptoms or with only mild signs. Severe forms can cause bleeding and shock. The majority of dengue symptoms can be treated with homeopathy.

Homeopathic treatments for dengue fever

As part of a dengue treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor specializing in homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic products against dengue fever consist of preventive and curative treatments. Preventive products include Tuberculinul 12 Ch, Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Phosphorus and Sulphur 5 Ch. When symptoms of the disease such as headache, myalgia, arthralgia and leukopenia appear, it is possible to take Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30 Ch. In the case of an acute manifestation of dengue fever and in case of haemorrhage, the consumption of Crotalus Horridus 30 Ch and Phosphorus 30 Ch can produce excellent results. It is possible to combine Aconite Compound, Rhus Toxicodendron 5 Ch and Arnica Montana 5 Ch at a rate of 3 granules of each every 60 minutes. Depending on the symptoms, the treatment of dengue may require the use of certain homeopathic remedies.

Treatment of dengue fever in infectious diseases

Dengue serotypes and certain infectious diseases can develop simultaneously. Some patients may experience flu-like illness accompanied by profuse sweating or coryza. They should take 5 granules of Gelsemium sepervirens 15 Ch every two hours. The frequency of intake will be reduced according to the evolution of the patient's condition. But in some cases, homeopathic remedies are not enough to treat certain dengue serotypes.

Consult a doctor

Some people, especially HIV-positive people, must provide a chemo-prophylactic prescription before spending a stay in a country where dengue fever is rampant. The patient with severe symptoms of dengue fever such as disturbances of consciousness and seizures should be evaluated. A child with dengue fever should be hospitalized quickly, as serotypes evolve rapidly in young subjects. When returning from a trip to a country where malaria is rife, the patient who notices mild symptoms of dengue fever should consult a doctor quickly.

Michel - 60 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Health


Dengue fever is a dangerous and deadly viral disease. It can be treated effectively with many homeopathic products.

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