Relieving dyspnea with homeopathy

A source of discomfort for the patient who suffers from it, dyspnea can occur at any time of life. By opting for the right homeopathic treatment, it is possible to relieve this pathology.

A disease that can occur at any age, dyspnea is a breathing disorder. It can have various origins and be associated with other types of diseases such as heart disease or lung disease. Dyspnea can be inspiratory or expiratory.


Whether it is inspiratory or expiratory dyspnea, the disease always manifests itself as a conscious or unconscious difficulty in breathing. It accelerates or, on the contrary, becomes very slow depending on the origin of the symptom. Dyspnea can be of varying intensity. Dyspnea of exertion is not pathological, but it should give rise to the suspicion of an underlying disease when it appears at rest. It can then be accompanied by pulling, i.e. a depression of the sternal, suprasternal or intercosal muscles, and other signs such as expiratory wheezing or cyanosis. There may also be sputum, fever and intense pain in the precordial area radiating to the limbs.

Recommended treatments

To relieve dyspnea, it is recommended to take Bryonia alba 5 CH and Aconitum napellus 5 CH. For the treatment to be effective, the dosage required is 3 granules of each, to be taken 3 times a day. The intake of these remedies should continue until the patient's condition improves. Antimonium tartaricum 5 CH can also be used at a rate of 3 granules 3 times a day.

If dyspnoea is associated with precordial pain, it is necessary to administer Spigelia anthelmia 5 CH or Sulfur to the patient. Sulfur 9 CH is primarily indicated for the treatment of pulmonary dyspnea such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy. If respiratory discomfort is significant, it is recommended to take 1 dose of Carbo vegetabilis 15 CH as soon as possible and 5 granules of Hydrocyanicum acidum 9 CH every hour. These remedies should be taken while waiting for the medical consultation.

When to see a doctor

Dyspnea is a disease that can be relieved with homeopathic remedies. However, if the patient's condition remains stationary even after treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, if the patient suffers from the acute form of the disease, a medical consultation is necessary.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Dyspnea is a disease whose treatment should not be neglected. Indeed, the causes of this disease are not benign and complications can occur in the more or less long term.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Recommended treatments
  3. When to see a doctor

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