Affecting about one in ten French people, peptic ulcer disease is a periodic inflammatory pathology of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. When this mucous membrane is inflamed, it becomes the site of a wound with a loss of substance that can be minimal, but also wide and deep. In the majority of cases, the infection of this region by Helicobacter pylori is the cause. However, other elements including stress and anti-inflammatory drugs can be the cause of this disorder. A source of discomfort for those who suffer from it, peptic ulcer disease is a disease that can be completely cured with homeopathy, although it is usually treated with conventional medicine.
Peptic ulcer disease is a burning, cramping or heaviness sensation in the supraumbilical area known as the epigastrium. Depending on the stage of the disease, the intensity of the pain varies. Classically, the pain is aggravated by hunger and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and is alleviated when the patient eats or takes an antacid. In addition, it can be located just in the epigastric region or radiated to the back and upwards that can go up to the upper part of the esophagus. Finally, it is periodic pain, i.e. pain that is not present throughout the year.
Indeed, it lasts between 2 and 3 months, then disappears to reappear later the next year at the same time. Other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting complete the clinical picture when the ulcer is advanced and complicated by pyloric stenosis, i.e. a narrowing of the lumen of the pylorus that prevents the normal progression of the bolus of food, which is then pushed upwards. In addition, this pathology can also be complicated by digestive bleeding manifested by the emission of bright red blood from the mouth during vomiting or by the presence of blackish blood in the stool.
Nux moschata is the best homeopathic remedy for pain relief from peptic ulcers. Thus, when it is pain in the form of epigastric heaviness, it is recommended to take 2 granules of Nux moschata before lunch and dinner. To reduce gastric burn, the intake of Nux moschata 5 to 9 CH at the rate of 5 granules in 3 doses per day is also indicated.
In case of pain resembling a stomach cramp, it is advisable to take 3 granules of Nux moschata 4 CH divided into 3 daily doses. Nux moschata should not be discontinued until symptoms have improved. In case of gastric pain accompanied by erucation and acidity, it is recommended to take 5 granules of Argentum nitricum 9 CH twice a day. Finally, in case of acidity leading to gastric burn, it is best to take 5 granules of Robinia pseudo-acacia 5 CH as often as necessary.
When to see a doctor?
It is essential to consult a doctor when blood is emitted from the mouth during vomiting or in the stool, whatever the quantity, no matter how small. In addition, an extremely urgent consultation is required when the patient experiences very intense, unbearable abdominal pain accompanied by induration of the entire abdominal wall. It is also necessary to see a doctor when the pain is not alleviated by homeopathic treatment.