Treating rheumatic disorders with Actaea spicata

Actaea spicata homeopathy treats various pathologies in rheumatology, in particular arthritis and rheumatism, which are common in the small joints.

Actaea spicata is the name of the homeopathic remedy extracted from cohosh. The ripe berries of this plant are poisonous if eaten by accident. The consumer will then experience not only liver inflammation, but also rheumatic pain in the joints due to the presence of protoanemonin in the plant. It is for these properties that Actaea spicata is used in homeopathy for medicinal purposes to treat rheumatological pathologies such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also indicated for the treatment of rheumatic spasms of the small joints located in the wrist and hand. The toe joints can also benefit from the benefits of Actaea spicata, especially when the joints at this level show redness and inflammation.


spicata is recommended in cases of rheumatic fever causing blistering or deformities in the wrist, ankle and fingers. It should also be taken if the person has rheumatism of the phalanges, toes and tarsi or rheumatoid arthritis.

If the patient notices that the slightest effort causes inflammation of his joints, he needs Actaea spicata. These symptoms can be seasonal. It is also indicated if the patient feels tingling and loses some of his sensory sensitivity when palpating the joints.

Actaea spicata is also recommended in rheumatology in case the pathology manifests itself in the ENT sphere in addition to other symptoms. In this case, the patient experiences an eye infection associated with constant tearing and spots clump together on their eyes when they try to fix their gaze on an object. He can sometimes catch conjunctivitis and suffer from an unbearable headache, not to mention itchy and painful ears. His nose also bleeds while talking burns his throat.

The pain resulting from rheumatic spasms sometimes causes motor paralysis of the affected parts, so the homeopathic remedy that should be taken immediately is Actaea spicata. Often the patient complains of not being able to move his legs and has the impression that his knees are full of stones.



case of arthritis of the wrists and fingers, pain and cramps can be relieved by taking Actaea spicata 5 CH at a rate of 5 granules three times a day.

If the patient suffers from tendonitis, he or she should be treated with Actaea spicata 5CH, especially if the edema is aggravated by movement and palpation.

To treat interphalangeal arthralgia, Actaea spicata with Calophyllum thalictroides, both in 5 CH at a rate of 5 granules of each remedy in the morning, at noon and at bedtime for 3 months.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


The effects of Actaea spicata closely resemble the manifestations of the rheumatic pathology to be treated, hence its use in homeopathy. It is also recommended in dermatology to treat eczema and also in obstetrics and gynecology.

  1. Actaea

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