Arthritis is mainly seen in women in their fifties, but it can appear in young people. It is a disease of the joints that can also affect the surrounding tissues. Although the origins of arthritis can be multiple, in most cases, pain in the joint, an increase in the volume of the joint, as well as heat and redness are often observed. A wide range of allopathic medicines can be recommended by rheumatologists to alleviate the various symptoms of arthritis. However, some homeopathic remedies are also effective against this disease. Homeopathic products can indeed soothe the intense pain of arthritis and reduce the inflammation caused by this disease.
The main sign of an arthritic condition, joint pain often occurs in the morning. It is often upon waking that the person with arthritis feels pain. The severity of arthritis pain can vary and its location depends on the type of arthritis. It can affect a single joint or it can be mobile and affect several joints as in the case of rheumatoid arthritis. In chronic arthritis, the pain can be significant for several days to decrease in intensity, stop and reappear later.
The increase in the volume of the joint due to inflammation is also observed during arthritis attacks. The joints are congested and swollen either by trauma, infection or wear and tear of the various parts of the joint. The swelling of the joint is also accompanied by an increase in temperature in the swollen area. The area affected by arthritis is then red and warm. Stiff, it also becomes difficult to mobilize.
Treatment of redness and swelling of the joint
To soothe the signs of inflammation that occur in acute inflammatory arthritis, it is recommended to use Apis mellifica diluted to 9 CH. Four times a day, the patient should take 5 granules of this remedy. It is also advisable to brush Arnica gel on the joint 2 to 3 times during the day.
Treatment of acute arthritis pain
When the pain is very severe, Bryonia alba diluted to 4 CH is recommended. Four times a day, the patient should take 4 granules of Bryonia alba. Acute arthritis pain should be treated thoroughly with Rhus tox 5 CH at a rate of 3 to 5 granules per day. This homeopathic remedy is also recommended if the pain is alleviated by moving the joint.
Treatment of pain caused by chronic arthritis
Chronic pain caused by polyarthritis is sensitive to treatment with Streptococcinum 12 CH. If the patient experiences severe pain that radiates to the bones, Phosphorum album is recommended. For pain that intensifies at night, Luesinum or Aurum metallicum is recommended. In addition, if the pain becomes more intense compared to the pain of previous attacks, Arsenicum album is the recommended homeopathic remedy.
When should you see a specialist?
In the event that a fever appears or if joint pain persists 48 hours after a corticosteroid injection in the joint, it is essential to go to a rheumatologist. It is safer for people with arthritis to see a specialist as soon as they develop a fever to avoid infectious arthritis. In addition, in the case of chronic arthritis, even if the pain is relieved by homeopathic remedies, it is always recommended to be examined by a rheumatologist at least 2 times a year.