Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension and deep worry. Anxiety is a feeling of insecurity in the face of a situation, a state or probable events such as crowds, emotion or loneliness. The degree of insecurity experienced can aggravate the anxiety which becomes uncontrollable.
Symptoms of anxiety
Psychologically, a person suffering from anxiety experiences feelings of fear and worry and loses concentration, attention and memory. Physically, she has many symptoms such as nausea, palpitations, hot flashes, a feeling of tightness or suffocation. She may also have excessive sweating, dizziness, tremors or pain in the stomach. Finally, it has two ways of reacting: either it remains passive in the face of a situation: this is total inhibition, or it is supposedly mobile: it is disordered agitation.
Treatment of psychological anxiety
In a background treatment without physical symptoms, Gelsenium 9 CH or Aconite 7 CH are prescribed. Ignatia Amara is recommended in case of anxiety caused by grief or annoyance. To treat anxiety caused by excessive shyness, it is advisable to take Ambra Grisea 15 CH. Arsenicum Album 15 CH is recommended for pessimistic subjects who are afraid of an upcoming event and for those who are afraid of the night and loneliness. Borax is indicated for people who are naturally anxious and who are particularly afraid of descents and stairs. To help women reduce their fear during pregnancy and childbirth, Actaea Racemosa is recommended.
Treatment of physical anxiety
Argentum Nitricum 9 CH is a good remedy when the signs of intense anxiety are accompanied by diarrhoea, sharp pain, dizziness, fear of wide open spaces, agoraphobia, but also claustrophobia. Kalium carbonicum 9 CH is a good remedy for knotted stomachs, while Aconitum Napellus is recommended in case of infections accompanied by high fevers. Phosphoricum Acidum is also a good remedy to treat the fear of an upcoming event that is accompanied by heavy sweating. When anxiety is accompanied by a feeling of fainting, the most suitable remedy is Moschus.
When to see a doctor?
If the symptoms return or do not disappear despite the administration of homeopathic remedies and the source of the anxieties comes from the distant past, during childhood or adolescence accompanied by dark thoughts, a feeling of loss of interest and great sadness, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can determine the treatment to be followed.