Alium Cepa is an active ingredient widely used in homeopathy to treat rhinitis. This homeopathic remedy comes in a variety of forms, ranging from traditional granules to suppositories, drinkable ampoules, and triturations. Alium Cepa is extracted from the onion, more precisely from its bulb.
homeopathy, Alium Cepa is one of the best remedies for ENT conditions characterized by several common points: runny nose, most often transparent and burning, associated with a lacrimation that does not itch. Other symptoms include sneezing, a hoarse voice, and even an abrasion of the throat that causes the person to press their hand against their larynx when coughing.
The intake of Alium Cepa must be done after the favorable opinion of a homeopath who will have examined the patient thoroughly. Alium Cepa should not be consumed at mealtime and preferably should not be combined with stimulants such as tobacco and coffee. Granules or doses of Alium Cepa should be allowed to dissolve gradually under the tongue.
Recommended dosages
The dose of Alium Cepa to be taken depends on the manifestations of rhinitis, whether it is allergic rhinitis or infectious rhinitis. In case of infectious rhinitis, the dosage will be 5 granules of Alium Cepa 9CH every 2 hours for 3 days.
If the rhinitis presents itself in its allergic form, the ideal prescription will be 5 granules of Alium Cepa 15CH or 9CH every day, one month before the pollination period. It should also be noted that this homeopathic treatment can be used during pregnancy and the breastfeeding period.
In combination with other homeopathic remedies,
Alium Cepa can be prescribed with other homeopathic remedies in order to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. If it is an allergy syndrome manifested by a runny nose and sneezing, Alium Cepa may be combined with Apis Mellifica. It will be administered with Nux Vomica if the cold results from a draught, while the remedy will be combined with Acotinum napellus if the rhinitis results from a dry breeze. Infectious rhinitis may also appear due to a humid atmosphere, hence the need to take Dulcamara at the same time as Alium Cepa.
Alium Cepa and other respiratory infections
In addition to rhinitis, Alium Cepa is also used for the treatment of hay fever and bronchitis. It is also indicated by the homeopath in certain forms of laryngitis.