Treating allergy with homeopathy

An unfavorable response of the body to certain physical or chemical materials, allergy manifests itself in different ways. Homeopathy makes it possible to treat the disease with appropriate remedies.

Allergy is an unpleasant reaction of the body of some people following the contact of their body with any substance. It usually occurs in specific areas of the body: on the skin, in the eyes, in the respiratory tract or in the digestive system. There are as many types of allergy as there are areas where it can occur. Thus, an allergy can be harmless or very serious depending on the person and the area where it occurs. There are 7 main forms of allergies: food allergies, hives, allergic eczema, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, insect venom allergy and anaphylactic reaction. The symptoms are different for each of these forms. You can be allergic to a food, a fabric, a chemical substance, etc.


An allergic individual may see patches appear on their skin that are often accompanied or replaced by intense itching. Sometimes, oedema is even observed in the eyes and/or mouth. As for hives, it manifests itself as ephemeral rashes on the skin, also accompanied by itching and/or irritation. As for eczema, which also manifests itself on the skin, it is redness followed by dry skin scales that can also itch.

Allergic asthma occurs intermittently with wheezing in breathing, chest pain and severe coughing. Allergic rhinitis is felt both in the eyes and nostrils. The eyes itch and become red, the nostrils sting and run, and you feel tension in the sinuses.

Allergy to insect venom is immediately apparent after the sting. Rashes then appear on the skin with a feeling of pain and swelling at the site of the sting. Allergy to venom can be accompanied, in the worst case, by an anaphylactic reaction. In the latter case, it is the throat that tightens, you have difficulty breathing, the pulse beats abnormally, you become pale and sometimes you even lose consciousness. It is the most dangerous allergy because it can be fatal.

Homeopathic treatments

Homeopathy not only prevents an allergic reaction but also effectively calms an allergy attack. In the first case, the treatment prepares the body to tolerate the substance that is the basis of the allergy. As for the second case, it is a question of restoring the body's immune deficiencies in order to stop the attack. Preventive homeopathic treatments should begin several months before contact with the substance causing the allergy. For example, if it is a pollen allergy, you can start taking a weekly dose of Pollens 30 CH, two or three months before the pollination period. There are other homeopathic solutions for pollination allergies: Sabadilla 9 or 15 CH in combination with Allium cepa or Euphrasia officinalis.

To treat allergy attacks that already occur, the basis of any homeopathic treatment is to systematically take 5 granules of Pollens 15 CH, 5 granules of Apis mellifica 9 CH, and 5 granules of Lung Histamine 15 CH in the morning and evening. Then, it is necessary to combine it with homeopathic products specific to the symptoms related to the attack. For example, a Homeoplasmin or Cicaderma ointment can alleviate any skin irritation due to colds. To treat the acute cold, you should take 5 granules of Arsenicum album 9 CH every 4 hours, and depending on the improvement, space out the doses.

When to see your doctor?

In the case of allergy disorders, it is imperative to consult a doctor if the symptoms constitute a handicap to the patient's daily work. The same is true when an improvement is not quickly observed following the treatment applied. Thus, when the disorders last for several days or even weeks, it is necessary to see a doctor. It is even advisable that he or she should be the one to issue the prescription for the homeopathic treatment of the allergy.

Emma - 32 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Homeopathy can counteract any type of allergy. With the right homeopathic treatment, allergic reactions can be prevented. If the crisis has already arrived, homeopathy can also stop it.

  1. Symptoms
  2. Homeopathic treatments
  3. When to see your doctor?

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