Alleviating arteritis with homeopathy

Arteritis is a disease that is favored by certain factors including being overweight and sedentary. The use of homeopathic remedies helps to alleviate its symptoms.

Arteritis is a disease that mainly affects men. The most exposed subjects are heavy smokers, hypertensive people and diabetics. However, people who have high levels of fat in their blood are also at risk of developing this disease.

Presentation of the pathology

Arteritis is a condition that affects the wall of the vessels, mainly the arteries, and is manifested by the appearance of lesions and atheromatous plaques on the inner wall of these vessels. The result is congestion of the arteries and a reduction in their size. As a result, blood circulation is slowed down. Narrowing of the blood vessel or stenosis increases and blood flow decreases. In extreme cases, these lesions can lead to partial or total obstruction of the vessels. When the artery is completely blocked, blood flow no longer passes. If this phenomenon affects the artery supplying the brain, it is cerebral attack. Generally, arteritis affects the lower limbs.

Symptoms of arteritis

Arteritis can be recognized by the appearance of intense muscle pain, due to muscle cramps in the calves during walking. The cramps disappear during the break and resume when walking resumes. In intermittent claudication, the pain always appears at the same frequency. Other parts of the body such as the buttocks, thighs and feet can also be affected by these symptoms. The obstruction of the arteries leads to the formation of clots. In some cases, the artery dilates abnormally under the pressure of the blood and can rupture.

Homeopathic treatments

The prescription consists of combining the following remedies alternating them 3 times a day, Cactus Grandiflorus 5 CH, Nux Vomica 5 CH and Secale Cornutum 5 CH. Treatment will continue until symptoms disappear. If arteritis is associated with high blood pressure, it can be treated with Plumbum Metallicum. Local treatment consists of using antispaced ointments to alleviate the spasms. For nocturnal calf cramps, the treatment will be done with Cuprum. It is recommended to use Secale Cornutum in case of severe cramps accompanied by burning pain in hot weather. These pains are reduced in a cool environment. In case of intermittent claudication accompanied by cramps, treat with Cuprum and Arsenicum. For more generalized treatment, one foot is hot and the other cold with the presence of gout and cholesterol, administer Lycopodium Clavatum. If the subject feels a burning sensation during the night, treat with Sulfur.

When to see a doctor?

Medical consultation is necessary as soon as one of the symptoms appears. Indeed, complications can progress to ischemic necrosis. In extreme cases, there is a tendency to gangrene of the lower limbs which can be fatal, especially for diabetics.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Homeopathy, by its gentle form, makes it possible to treat arteritis without attacking the patient's metabolism. It acts in depth by gradually eliminating the symptoms of arteritis.

  1. Presentation of the patholog ...
  2. Symptoms of arteritis
  3. Homeopathic treatments
  4. When to see a doctor?

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