Anemia can occur after excessive menstruation or is a symptom of a more serious medical condition. It is characterized by an extremely low level of oxygen in the blood that results from the reduction of red blood cells, which can itself be caused by a deficiency of vitamins or iron, or as a result of frequent blood loss or bleeding but in small quantities, or on the contrary significant but brief.
Possible signs of anemia usually include loss of appetite, severe fatigue, dyspnea, tachycardia, headache, and pallor of the mucous membranes and connective tissues. Anemia can also manifest as lipothymia or brittle hair and nails. In an advanced stage, it disrupts the cardiac system and causes dizziness and palpitations.
thecase of iron deficiency anaemia caused by a deficiency of iron in the blood or anaemia resulting from a lack of vitamin B12 or a deficiency of folic acid, in addition to allopathy, homeopathic remedies aim to rebalance the iron content of the blood, to provide the trace elements and vitamins missing to the body so that the red blood cells better fix oxygen and ensure their role in the oxygenation of the blood. For example, subjects with acute fatigue are treated with Zincum metallicum while patients with repetitive bleeding over a relatively long period of time are prescribed Vipera Berus at the time of the attacks. The treatment is the same for hemorrhagic anemia.
In the case of anemia due to diseases that weaken the patient, especially those that lower the level of red blood cells in the blood such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's disease or kidney failure that promotes the onset of chronic anemia, Ferrum Metallicum is effective. This strain restores the vasomotor balance and also reduces hot flashes and tinnitus.
Haemolytic anaemia and sideroblastic anemia may be acquired or congenital. A high level of toxins in the blood is said to be the cause of hemolytic anemia and to treat it, the homeopathy preparation will reinforce the effects of allopathic substances intended to cure the infection that leads to the secretion of toxins. Sideroblastic anemia, on the other hand, is a rare disease in which red blood cells are unable to retain iron in the blood. Allopathy then provides sufficient iron to the blood, while Zincum Metallicum homeopathy will serve to strengthen the immune defenses against viruses and microbes, thus limiting the interference of toxins in hemoglobin.
In addition to a pale complexion and a drop in tone, rapid weight loss can be observed in the patient. The suitable homeopathic formula in this case will be Plumbum metallicum or Natrum muriaticum 9 CH or 30CH. These remedies are to be combined with allopathic treatment.
When to see a doctor?
The patient should consult a doctor as soon as symptoms such as pallor of the complexion, more or less acute asthenia, drowsiness and headache accompanied by tachycardia are observed. In such situations, one must urgently go to a doctor to receive the appropriate homeopathic treatment to combine with allopathic remedies.