Treating behavioral disorders with Avena sativa

Indicated for the treatment of behavioral disorders, Avena sativa is a homeopathic remedy with interesting properties. Before undergoing treatment with this remedy, it is necessary to know the main indications beforehand.

Avena sativa is a homeopathic remedy obtained from oats, which is often used as fodder and as a grain. From studies done on this plant, it has been found to have excellent healing properties. Indeed, it is used to treat behavioral disorders because it stimulates the nervous system. For the production of Avena sativa, almost all parts of the plant are used: grains, bran, straw, as well as all the aerial parts. Generally, oats are associated with barley and wheat as a homeopathic remedy.

Indications in case of behavioral disorders

Avena sativa is mainly indicated to treat asthenias, especially when these tend to lead to depression. When a person is prone to fatigue of moral origin, treatment with Avena sativa is necessary. Indeed, this remedy stimulates the nervous system.

Other indications

Avena sativa is also used to treat a lack or loss of appetite. Indeed, following an infectious disease, the patient may have difficulty digesting food. In this case, treatment with Avena sativa can make it regain a taste for food.

Avena sativa is also the appropriate remedy for the treatment of constipation and helps prevent colon cancer. In addition, the remedy has proven its effectiveness in the field of diabetology by lowering the sugar content in the blood.

Recommended dosages to treat behavioral disorders

To treat asthenia accompanied by weakness, insomnia and restlessness, it is recommended to take 100 drops of Avena sativa 3 DH in the morning. To relieve fatigue during convalescence, you should take 50 drops of Avena sativa 3 DH, 3 times a day.

Recommended dosages for other indications of the remedy

To treat anorexia simple, i.e. a temporary loss of appetite of moral origin, it is indicated to take 20 drops of Avena sativa 2 DH before meals. For the results to be fast and effective, this remedy can be combined with an equivalent dose of Alfalfa 2 DH.

Oscar - 40 years

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


In almost all cases requiring treatment with Avena sativa, it is often recommended to combine it with other homeopathic remedies.

  1. Indications in case of behav ...
  2. Other indications
  3. Recommended dosages to treat ...
  4. Recommended dosages for othe ...


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