Alleviating bone and tendon problems with Symphytum

Obtained from a plant strain, Symphytum is a particularly effective homeopathic remedy for treating bone, joint and tendon disorders.

Belonging to the boraginaceae family, comfrey is a European plant that is highly prized for its many therapeutic virtues. Also known as donkey's ear or cow's tongue, this perennial plant known since ancient times is a food supplement frequently used in agriculture. It is from the underground parts of the plant that the mother tincture of the remedy is prepared. Symphytum not only acts as an anti-inflammatory, but it also has healing properties that comfrey gives it thanks to the rosmarinic acid and allantoin that the plant contains.

Main indications in traumatology

Symphytum is mainly used in cases of fracture or delayed bone healing. This remedy is also particularly effective in cases of bone trauma such as a broken collarbone. Thus, following a trauma of this type, the pain felt can be considerably alleviated if the remedy is administered regularly. Symphytum is also prescribed in cases of algodystrophy manifested by joint and bone disorders, as well as skin conditions arising from intense physical activity. In addition, musculoskeletal disorders such as Achilles tendon tendon can be treated with Symphytum. Finally, trauma to the eyeball following violent blows can also be alleviated with this remedy.

Recommended dosages in case of trauma

To promote the consolidation of the bones following a fracture or a delay in consolidation, it is recommended to dilute Symphytum 6 DH in pure water and to take the preparation at noon and in the evening at a rate of 20 drops for one month. For more effectiveness, it is possible to combine the intake of Symphytum with the intake of Calcarea phosphorica 9 CH, at a rate of 5 granules morning and evening for 1 month. To reduce bone pain following a fracture, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Symphytum 5 CH 4 times a day until the pain is sedated. If the pain persists after consolidation, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Symphytum 4 CH morning and evening until a noticeable improvement is felt.

In the event of an injury to the eyeball, it is advisable to take 5 granules of Symphytum 4 CH every hour, taking care to space out the doses as an improvement is noticed. To relieve severe algodystrophy, 5 granules of Symphytum 7 CH should be taken twice a day. If the pathology is much more severe, it is recommended to combine the treatment with two to four doses of Calcarea phosphorica 15 to 30 CH per month. Finally, tendonitis can be relieved by taking simultaneously 2 granules of Symphytum 5 CH, 2 granules of Arnica montana 5 CH, 2 granules of Ruta graveolens 5 CH and 2 granules of Rhus toxicodendron 5 CH.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Symphytum is a remedy that athletes must have in their first aid kit in order to relieve possible sprains and avoid complications due to insufficient care.

  1. Main indications in traumato ...
  2. Recommended dosages in case ...


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