Treating infectious diseases with Streptococcinum

Scarlet fever, tonsillitis or perlèche, streptococcus is a bacterium responsible for these infectious pathologies. In homeopathy, it is used in the manufacture of the remedy Streptococcinum, an effective remedy for treating cases of infection.

Streptococcinum is a homeopathic remedy obtained from pure microbial culture, prepared from streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcus is a rounded, aerobic bacterium that is the cause of many infectious diseases. The classic treatment of a streptococcal infection is generally by taking antibiotics such as penicillin or erythomycin. Biotherapy with the homeopathic remedy Streptococcinum can also be an excellent alternative treatment in infectiology.

Indications in cases of infectious diseases

Streptococcinum is the ideal remedy for all forms of infections due to the invasion of streptococcus or superinfections, i.e. in the event of infection in a patient already suffering from any infectious disease. Streptococcal infections include perlèche, angina and scarlet fever. Perlèche is a condition of the corners of the lips, while angina is an infectious pathology affecting the pharynx. Scarlet fever is a childhood disease that manifests itself as rashes accompanied by a rough, raspberry appearance of the tongue. It is due to the invasion of a group A hemolytic streptococcus. This makes Streptococcum the recommended remedy for treating this type of pathology. The first clinical signs are observed during the incubation period. The child complains of headaches and shivers, despite a high fever of around 40°C. This first phase lasts from 3 to 4 days and is then followed by the appearance of a red rash that affects the chest and then spreads over the entire body. The tongue is also affected, hence its raspberry appearance. This is called lingual enanthema, which is a very characteristic symptom of scarlet fever. Streptococcinum acts on the majority of these symptoms while blocking the proliferation of bacteria.

Dosage prescribed in case of infectious diseases

For all infectious diseases of streptococcal origin, doses of Streptococcinum of 9 CH to 15 CH are often prescribed, at a rate of one dose per week as part of a disease-modifying treatment. During the flare-up period, especially in the case of scarlatiniform rashes, take Streptococcinum granules for a daily treatment of 2 to 3 doses to be spread over the day. It can happen that the invasion of streptococcus causes an allergic reaction in the body in hypersensitive people. In this case, it is recommended to combine the treatment with the use of another homeopathic remedy for allergies, such as Lung histamine, at the same dilution as that chosen for Streptococcum. To treat sore throats due to strep throat, practitioners often recommend Streptococcinum 7 CH granules, 4 granules to be taken every day before bedtime. For a disease-modifying treatment, Streptococcinum 12 CH or 15 CH is prescribed, at a rate of one dose per week. It is also important to know that this remedy can be used as a preventive treatment, especially in children who attend nurseries. For this, we recommend Streptococcinum 7 CH granules, at a rate of 3 granules morning, noon and evening for two weeks.

Anna - 29 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Alternative Medicine


Streptococcinum is particularly suitable if the health condition of the subject is aggravated by humid weather, but improved by movement and fresh air. However, it is advisable to do tests to determine the bacteria responsible for the infection because other homeopathic remedies will have to be prescribed in case of non-streptococcal invasion.

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