Sanguinaria Nitrica, an appropriate remedy for the treatment of pathologies of the ENT sphere

In the context of the homeopathic treatment of many pathologies, especially in ENT, Sanguinaria Nitrica is proving to be of great use. It is a remedy with many healing properties.

For the development of the homeopathic remedy Sanguinaria Nitrica, the basic constituent is sanguinarin nitrate. This constituent is an alkaloid extracted from a herbaceous plant of the papaveraceae family, a plant native to Canada, commonly known as Sanguinaria Canadensis or Sanguinaria Canadensis. The root or more precisely the rhizome of this plant contains sanguinarine, a reddish juice that is in fact an alkaloid with therapeutic properties. Triturated in lactose, sanguinarin nitrate, with the chemical formula C20H14N2O7, is then diluted several times. Between each dilution, the resulting solution is stirred vigorously in order to preserve and enhance the therapeutic properties of Sanguinaria Nitrica.


clinical indications of Sanguinaria Nitrica in the ENT sphere are multiple and mainly concern pain circumscribed to the nose and throat. The medicinal virtues of this remedy are particularly indicated for homeopathic cures of diseases relating to the nasal mucous membranes in general, nasal polyps and chronic nasal catarrhs in particular. In the nose, the effectiveness of Nitrica Sanguinaria is evident when the nasal passages are affected by a tumor or are blocked by very abundant secretions. Thus, in the presence of thick mucus secretions of a yellow, bloody color or when the nostrils are blocked, it is advisable to resort to the therapeutic properties of this remedy. Sanguinaria Nitrica reduces and stops secretions and relieves pain at the root of the nose. As a result, it is commonly prescribed for the treatment of inflammation of the sinuses, mucous membranes or nasal passages. These are sinusitis, seasonal rhino-sinusitis, the common cold or spasmodic coryza.

Nitrica Sanguinaria is also prescribed to treat various symptomatic manifestations and several pathologies limited to the throat. This medication is very suitable for burning or dry throat and chronic catarrh of the larynx. It is also very effective in cases of difficult swallowing, alteration or hoarseness of the voice. It is also recommended to treat conditions of the right tonsil and inflammations such as acute pharyngitis or chronic follicular pharyngitis.

Recommended dosage in case of pathologies of the ENT sphere

In case of nasal obstruction, five granules of Sanguinaria Nitrica 5 CH, twice a day are recommended. For the treatment of seasonal rhinosinusitis, it is advisable to take three granules of Sanguinaria Nitrica 7 CH every eight hours for a week. In specific cases of sinusitis and spasmodic coryza, the dosage is five granules of Sanguinaria Nitrica 5 CH, to be taken in the morning and evening.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


Sanguinaria Nitrica is a valuable aid in the treatment of pain. Its effectiveness is proven against migraines and burning sensations located in different parts of the body such as the palms of the hands or the face.

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