Treating flu and influenza-like illnesses with Yersin's serum

Mainly used in infectious diseases, Yersin's Serum is the recommended homeopathic remedy to stay in shape during the winter. Indeed, it is effective in preventing and fighting the flu.

A homeopathic remedy of a biotherapeutic nature, Yersin's Serum is made from the Institut Pasteur's anti-plague serum. It was synthesized by the doctor of the same name, Dr. Yersin, a famous French doctor who succeeded in isolating the bacillus responsible for the plague for the first time. To make the remedy, the bacillus is injected into birds from which the serum will be taken directly. Yersin's serum has an immune-stimulating virtue.


Yersin's Serum is mainly recommended in homeopathy as an anti-flu vaccine. The flu is a respiratory infection caused by a bacterium called the influenza virus. This disease is characterized by a sudden flare-up in its early stages with symptoms such as high fever, cough, headache, rhinitis, and muscle aches. Yersin's Serum is recommended to prevent influenza, especially in winter when the disease can take the form of a seasonal epidemic. It can also be taken as a cure to limit pulmonary complications caused by this infection.

Recommended dosage in infectious diseases

It is rare for Yersin's serum to be recommended as a single treatment. Indeed, it is often combined with other homeopathic remedies. Thus, to prevent the flu, especially during a pandemic, it is often advisable to take Yersin Serum 9 CH at a dose of 10 granules per week, alternating with other remedies such as Avian 9 CH. Other practitioners associate it with Influenzinum 9 CH. In this case, the latter will be taken at the rate of one dose per week for the first three weeks of treatment and the individual will only take Yersin Serum 9 CH during the fourth week of treatment. Otherwise, it is also possible to use this remedy as a basic treatment. To this end, you should take one dose of Yersin's Serum 9 CH per month throughout the winter season.

Marion - 53 years old

Passionate about Homeopathy and Natural Practices


If with each flu epidemic, new flu vaccines are offered in allopathy, the homeopathic prevention cure remains the same: Yersin's serum combined with its satellite remedies such as Influenzinum and Thymulin. Yersin's Serum protects against both seasonal flu and H1N1 flu.

  1. Infectiology
  2. Recommended dosage in infect ...

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